Interpretation bias modification training for youth loneliness: feasible and acceptable for university students


Lauren Turner summarises a feasibility trial which finds that interpretation bias modification training is acceptable for helping with loneliness in university students.

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Are we failing Black students? Mental health of Black students at universities in the UK


In her debut blog, Kashish Janiani Tulsiyani considers a review exploring the mental health experiences of Black students in UK universities.

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Multiracial young adults at higher risk of mental illness compared to their monoracial counterparts, according to US university research

Metaphor bipolar disorder mind mental. Double face. Split personality. Concept mood disorder. 2 Head silhouette.Psychology. Mental health. Dual personality concept. Tangle and untangle

Andie Ashdown summarises a cross-sectional study exploring mental health disparities between multiracial and monoracial young people in the United States.

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Cannabis use in college: genetic predispositions less influential than social environment


Sally Turner reviews a recent study exploring cannabis use in college, which provides useful evidence relating to how universities could promote a sense of community, belonging and support to students who use cannabis.

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iCBT for depression: reflections from university students

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Sharon Eager summarises a qualitative study conducted with university students in South Africa who identify the pros and cons of iCBT for depression.

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The 4M model for promoting student mental health: mindfulness, movement, meaning and moderator-based interventions


In her debut blog, Snigdha Dutta explores the 4M model for promoting university student mental health, explored by a recent systematic review which suggests that a combination of mindfulness, movement, meaning, and moderator-based interventions may help.

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Depressive symptoms and negative online disclosures: is the clue in the post?


A group of UCL MSc students review a recent mixed-methods study which suggests that online disclosure of negative emotions and experiences (posted to Facebook) are linked with depression symptoms in US college students.

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Digital CBT for eating disorders: a realistic way to bridge the treatment gap?


Georgie Parker reviews a US cluster randomised controlled trial which finds that digital CBT is effective at reducing eating disorder symptoms in female college students.

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Eating disorder symptoms and suicidality: is there a significant association within the student population?


In his debut blog, Jack Wainwright explores a study that finds an association between eating disorders and suicidality in US college students.

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Stress and mental wellbeing among PhD students: what are the predictors and how can we help?


Tayla McCloud reviews a recent paper which finds that imposter syndrome might be at the heart of both poor wellbeing and high stress levels in PhD students.

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