A drug is a chemical substance that acts on the brain and nervous system, changing a person’s mood, emotion or state of consciousness. Drugs are often classified by the effect they have.
Stimulants, such as cocaine, make people feel full of energy. Depressants (or sedatives), such as heroin, make people feel relaxed. Hallucinogens, such as LSD, make people see, feel or hear things that are not real. Drug or substance misuse is when a person regularly takes one or more drugs to change their mood, emotion or state of consciousness.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me… or will they?

Laura Hemming reflects on the findings of a recent Australian study, which looks at personal language use around suicide, mental health concerns and alcohol and other drug use, and seeks to find consensus on how we speak to each other about these issues.
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