For the last in our World Menopause Day 2023 series, we are combining a paper and some recent case law, to think about some of the things that have been discussed this week through these blog posts.
[read the full story...]For the last in our World Menopause Day 2023 series, we are combining a paper and some recent case law, to think about some of the things that have been discussed this week through these blog posts.
[read the full story...]This is the second of three-blog posts to celebrate World Menopause Day 2023, Daisy Long looks at the social constructions of menopause based on a paper recently published in the Journal of Aging.
[read the full story...]Today, 18th October 2023, is World Menopause Day. It’s the now annual discussion on the impact that menopause has for the individual in the workplace, in the family and in our communities.
[read the full story...]Daisy Long summarises a qualitative study regarding the emotional experience of learning in and of itself for individual social workers and how early learning experiences can shape current responses.
[read the full story...]Lorna Collins reviews a cross-sectional study that found the quality of life of people with psychosis is higher when they participate in leisure activities.
[read the full story...]Emily Hards and Maria Loades summarise a cluster randomised controlled trial exploring the effectiveness of universal process-based CBT for positive mental health in early adolescence.
[read the full story...]In his debut blog, Chris Fielding reviews a study which uses baseline data from the MYRIAD study, and concludes that the “direct influence of schools on mental health seems to be small”.
[read the full story...]Alice Potter summarises a narrative review and multi-level theoretical framework of mechanisms of action on how leisure activities affect health.
[read the full story...]Laura Culshaw reviews a recent qualitative study on the experiences of mental health professionals supporting frontline health and social care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
[read the full story...]Tayla McCloud reviews a recent paper which finds that imposter syndrome might be at the heart of both poor wellbeing and high stress levels in PhD students.
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