Watch yourself! Investigating the efficacy of remotely delivered video feedback in Cognitive Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder (CT-SAD)

A young man suffering from Social Anxiety stands alone as people

KCL Masters student Katherine Jolly considers a study on internet-delivered compared to face-to-face video feedback to update negative self-perceptions in iCBT for social anxiety disorder.

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Individual, group and guided self-help CBT for panic disorder: most delivery formats equally effective, but more evidence needed


Hannah Wallace summarises a network meta-analysis comparing four different formats of CBT for panic disorder, which finds “no efficacy differences between CBT delivered as guided self-help, or in the face-to-face individual or group format in the treatment of panic disorder”.

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The promise of digital interventions to reduce the disease burden of depression #DepressionSolvingTheToll part 2


Part 2 in a four-part series on solving the toll of depression on populations. Pim Cuijpers focuses on the opportunities and challenges of digital interventions for depression, looking at guided and unguided digital interventions, and taking a global mental health perspective.

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Add on iCBT: weak evidence of modest benefits in depression and anxiety

iCBT can be effective in reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, OCD and PTSD - could its accessibility help reach more people?

Liesbeth Tip and Antigone Lanitis reflect on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis that investigated internet-delivered psychological treatment as an add-on to treatment as usual in depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

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Online support more helpful for youth anxiety than depression, according to recent review


In her debut blog, Laura Hankey summarises findings from a recent systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of internet-based interventions for depression and anxiety in children and young people.

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iCBT for depression and anxiety: putting theory into practice


In her debut blog, Bethany Williamson summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT) in routine care for adults in treatment for depression and anxiety.

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Digital mental health technologies: useful, usable, and safe?


Cara Richardson and Stephanie Allan summarise a recent paper focusing on the growing field of digital psychiatry and the future of apps, social media, chatbots, and virtual reality.

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Online support for family carers of people with dementia: what works for their mental health?


Clarissa Giebel reflects on a recent systematic review which investigates online support for family carers of people with dementia.

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The 4M model for promoting student mental health: mindfulness, movement, meaning and moderator-based interventions


In her debut blog, Snigdha Dutta explores the 4M model for promoting university student mental health, explored by a recent systematic review which suggests that a combination of mindfulness, movement, meaning, and moderator-based interventions may help.

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Internet-based psychotherapy may be cost-effective for anxiety and depression


Ally Canaway blogs a systematic review which finds evidence of internet-based psychological interventions being cost-effective for depression and anxiety.

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