Results: 38

For: communication

Eye-tracking to assess language and cognition in children with Rett Syndrome


Konstantinos Filippos Kollias summarises a 2021 study investigating formal and informal assessments used to assess language and cognition in children with Rett Syndrome.

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Can hearing interventions slow down cognitive decline?


In this blog, Daisy Long and the elf apprentices that took part in the woodland workshop undertook a group critical analysis on Lin, F.R., Pike, J.R., Albert. M.S., Arnold, M., Burgard, S., Chisolm, T. & others (2023) paper on Hearing intervention versus health education control to reduce cognitive decline in older adults with hearing loss in the USA (ACHIEVE): a multi-centre, randomized controlled trial.

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How do prelingually deaf people with schizophrenia experience hallucinations?


Charlotte Huggett and Sophie Paul explore an important review looking at the content and modality of hallucinations in prelingually deaf people with schizophrenia.

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NICE guidelines: mental health problems in people with learning disabilities


Rachel Allan and Tom Crossland present the recent NICE guidance on mental health problems in people with learning disabilities, and comment on how useful these new recommendations are for people with learning disabilities and their care givers.

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CBT for Autism Spectrum Disorders and comorbid mental illness


Alix Dixon presents a recent systematic review on the effectiveness of CBT for autism spectrum disorders and comorbid anxiety or depression.

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“It can still happen here”: institutionalised abuse of people with learning disabilities

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Hannah Morgan reflects on a literature review of empirical evidence and wider social research, which seeks to place the abuse of people with learning disabilities in a broader cultural context.

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Understanding research – what does it mean for me? Accessible research findings for people with learning disabilities

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Last week we posted about accessible websites. This week we thought we would consider the reflections published recently on the Plain Facts project, which ran for many many years, offering access to research findings on topics of interest to people with learning disabilities

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Factors which impact on the social networks of people with profound intellectual disabilities


In this blog, Sian Anderson looks at a study that seeks to discover the factors, which can most positively impact on the development and maintenance of the informal social networks of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities.

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Endeavour Connect: An interface to support independent Facebook use by people with learning disabilities


As more people are using social media sites, it is important that people with learning disabilities are not excluded.

Here, Michelle Gregory looks at a pilot study evaluating the use of an interface to help people with learning disabilities use Facebook.

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