Results: 353

For: caries

Does breastfeeding increase Early Childhood Caries?

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Early childhood caries (ECC) is a common oral health problem, particularly in disadvantaged and developing populations. Its causes are multifaceted, including feeding practices like breastfeeding. The link between breastfeeding and ECC is unclear. Key findings No significant association was found between breastfeeding and the development of early childhood caries (ECC). Nighttime breastfeeding was associated with an [read the full story…]

AI in Dentistry: A Closer Look at Caries Detection

  Key points  Artificial intelligence (AI) models show promise for detecting cavities, but their accuracy varies depending on the method used. AI may be better at detecting early cavities than advanced ones. Professional and dental cameras provide better results than smartphone cameras. Background Dental caries is a widespread problem, and early detection is crucial. While [read the full story…]

Most popular Dental Elf Blogs Jan – Mar 2023


Topics covered in our most popular blogs in the first quarter of the 2023. included , selective caries removal, root canal dressings and pain management following dental extractions

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Vitamin D and dental caries risk in children


This review of the association between higher dental caries experience and lower serum vitamin D levels in children included 13 studie. The findings suggest higher levels of caries in patients with lower vitamin D levels.

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Prenatal vitamin D and enamel defects


This review of the the potential impact of prenatal Vitamin D levels on enamel defects and tooth erosion included 7 studies. While the findings suggest an association between Vitamin D and emamel defects the studies varied in relation to the study designs, Vitamin D assessment methods, enamel defect assessment, and demographic characteristics of the populations studied so the findings should be interpreted very cautiously.

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High-fluoride toothpaste or high fluoride mouthrinse to prevent white spot lesions in adolescent orthodontic patients – trial

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270 pateints were randomised in this trial to compare high-fluoride toothpaste and high-fluoride mouth rinse for preventing white spot lesions during orthodontic treatment. The findings suggest a benefit for high fluoride toothpaste and fluoride mouth rinse in preventing white spot lesions.

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How clean is your toothbrush?


This review of the level of toothbrush contamination and the factors affecting contamination in the general population included 15 studies. The findings show that toothbrush contamination occurs after first use and rises with continuing use. However, there is little evidence of significant adverse events from current practices.

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Caries experience in patients with diabetes mellitus

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This review of caries experience in adult patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) compared diabetics to individuals without DM included 13 mainly cross-sectional studies. The findings suggest higher DMF scores in patietns with DM.

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Dental caries and genetics – is there a link?


This review assessing the agreement of dental caries experience between monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic twins (DZ) included 19 studies. While the findings indcate a possible a genetic influence the certainty of evidence is very low so the findings should be interpreted very cautiously.

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Caries in HIV-infected children and adolescents

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This review assessing whether caries severity is higher in HIV-infected children and adolescents than in those who uninfected included 16 studies. While the review suggests a higher caries severity in those infected with HIV the certainty of the evidence is low with the majority of studies not providing information on potential confounders.

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