Navigating mental health support for female migrants in Europe: insights from a systematic feminist review


Ana Veic explores a review on the female migrant experience in accessing mental health support in primary care settings across Europe, which concludes that services must be culturally aware and gender sensitive.

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On the outside, looking in: sibling experiences of adolescent inpatient mental health care

Findings from McGrath et al. (2024) emphasise the importance of clinicians taking the whole family into consideration when a young person is admitted to an inpatient unit.

Lottie Shipp appraises a qualitative study that explored young people’s experiences of their sibling being admitted to a mental health inpatient unit.

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“Let me see a therapist”: mental health support for asylum seekers and refugees


KCL Masters student Daniella Mousicos summarises a qualitative study exploring whether asylum seekers and refugees are provided with appropriate mental health support in Brighton and Hove.

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How creativity unlocks understanding: exploring qualitative research methods with neurodivergent children


In her debut blog, Tamara Pemovska summarises Lewis et al.’s 2023 paper on the pros and cons of creative qualitative research methods with autistic pupils.

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Unjust: how inequality and mental health intertwine


Andy Bell reflects on a recent peer research study and shares the steps that any mental health service can take to help people reclaim their rights, their personhood, and their equal citizenship.

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Capturing the lived experience of depression


Charlotte Walker blogs about a recent World Psychiatry ‘bottom-up review’ on the lived experience of depression; co-written by experts by experience and academic researchers.

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“You Don’t Look Anorexic”: unmasking weight stigma in patients with atypical anorexia nervosa


Eleana Frisira summarises a qualitative study exploring weight stigma in individuals with lived experience of atypical anorexia nervosa.

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‘Hearing Voices’ and self-help groups: hope and support for people who hear voices


Lorna Collins reflects on a systematic review exploring the benefits of Hearing Voices and other self-help groups for people with auditory hallucinations.

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From criminal to person: therapeutic relationships through the eyes of young offenders


Sofiia Kornatska reviews a qualitative study on the importance of child-staff therapeutic relationship in the Children and Young People’s Secure Estate, which offers insights into the implementation of the SECURE STAIRS trauma-informed framework that has been commissioned by NHS England across these settings.

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Is it possible to form a digital therapeutic alliance with a mental health app?


Jenna Jacob summarises a qualitative study exploring the conceptualisation of the digital therapeutic alliance in the context of mental health apps that require no human support.

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