Results: 42

For: scoping review

Does a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder help or harm? #BIGSPD23


As we prepare for #BIGSPD23 in Glasgow (starting tomorrow), a psychiatrist and mental health occupational therapist explore a review of stigma occurring as a result of a borderline personality disorder diagnosis, coming to their own conclusions on the key messages.

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How racism, xenophobia and discrimination impact our health: the #LancetSeries

Xenophobia, hatred and racism words written with blocks on red background. Social issues concept

Jon Paul Teo considers the recently published Lancet Series that brings together evidence on how racism, xenophobia and discrimination can impact on our health.

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Improving access to CBT for people with anxiety: a review of solutions?


In her debut blog, Elli Bouliou reflects on a scoping review exploring ways to improve access to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for people with anxiety disorders.

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What’s the evidence for community interventions for ‘personality disorder’ (or complex emotional needs)? Not great

woman dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression.

Keir Harding and Hollie Berrigan provide a personal outlook on a scoping review exploring the efficacy of community treatments for ‘personality disorder’.

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Apps to support the mental health of young people: flashy and available versus evidence-based and hidden?


Belinda Platt highlights a new review of mental health apps for young people, which finds there are many apps which seem appealing to young people but have no evidence-base, but only a handful of apps with a sound evidence-base which are available to young people.

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Digital mental health technologies: useful, usable, and safe?


Cara Richardson and Stephanie Allan summarise a recent paper focusing on the growing field of digital psychiatry and the future of apps, social media, chatbots, and virtual reality.

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A map of England’s community mental health interventions: are we meeting people’s needs?


In her debut blog, Elena Opie considers a study that aimed to map community mental health interventions related to policy and practice for improving adult mental health in England.

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Critiquing the evidence behind the “evidence-based conclusions” about ADHD


Shuichi Suetani and Gaj Panagoda explore the World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement published in 2021, which contains “208 evidence-based conclusions about attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

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Should schools use peer mentoring for mental health? New review highlights how little we know


Lucinda Powell summarises a review which finds little evidence to support the use of peer mentoring in schools to improve mental wellbeing.

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What do users think about mental health chatbots?

Screenshot 2022-03-21 at 20.17.09

Rob Meadows and Christine Hine consider the findings of a recent scoping review of the perceptions and opinions of patients about mental health chatbots.

They also present their own ongoing sociological study on the everyday use of mental health chatbots.

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