In her debut blog, Linda Kaye summarises a paper that presents a youth mental health research priority setting exercise, which finds that research should be focussing on screen use not screen time.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Linda Kaye summarises a paper that presents a youth mental health research priority setting exercise, which finds that research should be focussing on screen use not screen time.
[read the full story...]Aneta Zarska blogs about a qualitative research study from Australia that outlines what trauma-informed care should look like, by asking people with experience of mental health difficulties.
[read the full story...]In their debut blog, Nagina Khan and Subodh Dave review a qualitative paper exploring the barriers to citizenship that people with mental health problems face.
[read the full story...]Eleanor Bailey and Jo Robinson explain that most suicide prevention interventions are developed without the involvement of people who have lived experience of suicide. They go on to make a set of recommendations for how future intervention research in suicide prevention is conducted and reported.
[read the full story...]Georgie Parker reviews a mixed-methods study exploring psychiatry trainees understanding, experience of and competence assessing and managing digital risk.
[read the full story...]Akansha Naraindas summarises the findings of a small qualitative study of home-based family therapy for conduct disorder in teenagers.
[read the full story...]Rachel Symons summarises a qualitative study on teachers’ aspirations, needs and opinions regarding student mental health support in secondary schools.
[read the full story...]Catherine Needham reviews a study by Chapman (2019) which considers older people’s knowledge and understanding of the social care system in Northern Ireland.
[read the full story...]Laura Hemming explores a recent qualitative study of the experiences of stigma felt by people with mental health problems who were recruited through a local mental health charity.
[read the full story...]Involving people with learning disabilities in research that affects them is part of the tradition of engaging with communities to ensure that there is ‘nothing about us without us’ – a key plank of the valuing people strategy in the UK. This U.S. study set out to consider how academics understand the best way to [read the full story…]