Universal DBT intervention in schools: help or hindrance?


Sofiia Kornatska reviews a non-randomised trial exploring a dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) based universal intervention on adolescent social and emotional well-being in Australian schools.

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What’s BESST for young people? Efficacy of CBT-informed workshops for stress management in older adolescents


Matthias Schwannauer explores the BESST cluster randomised controlled trial, which is out today in The Lancet Psychiatry. BESST stands for Brief Educational Workshops in Secondary Schools Trial.

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Continuing Professional Development is an emotional experience as well as a learning one.


Daisy Long summarises a qualitative study regarding the emotional experience of learning in and of itself for individual social workers and how early learning experiences can shape current responses.

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Experiences of junior doctors working during the pandemic in England


Alejandro Arguelles Bullon summarises a qualitative study investigating the experiences of junior doctors in England during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Recovery narratives by young people with mental health difficulties


Lorna Collins reviews a qualitative study on how young people with mental health difficulties perceive and define recovery and their personal journey.

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Allowing visitors back into nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic


Clarissa Giebel reviews a mixed-methods Dutch study and accompanying guidance, which recommends a safe way to allow visitors back into nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Lettuce be happy: how fruit and vegetables improve our mental wellbeing


Francesca Bentivegna summarises a recent UK longitudinal study, which examines the relationship between fruit and vegetables consumption and wellbeing.

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“I mean, what is depression?” How GPs distinguish between emotional distress and depressive disorder


Linda Gask reviews a recent qualitative exploration of UK general practitioners’ perceptions of distinctions between emotional distress and depression.

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Weekly singing in choir may improve the mental health of cancer carers


Katherine Tallent writes her debut blog on a recent longitudinal controlled study exploring psychosocial singing interventions for the mental health and well-being of family carers of patients with cancer.

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