Nagina Khan

Nagina is a Senior Clinical Research Fellow in Primary Care, Centre for Health Services Studies (CHSS), Division of Law, Society and Social Justice, School of Social Policy, Sociology & Social Research, University of Kent. Nagina’s current research supports the Integrated Care Systems (ICS) to capitalise on emerging existing networks in its research duty and mitigate the current risk of future research being conducted in silos and without focus on priorities and underserved populations. This work will diversify the public voice listened to and strengthen ICS strategic links within local research infrastructure to support evidence-based practice, apply solutions, and spread innovation.
Nagina was a Senior postdoctoral researcher, in CHiMES, Department of Psychiatry, Oxford University. Nagina’s research was focused on social justice, equality, and fairness, in culturally appropriate mental health care and complex interventions. She carried out the staff data analysis of Experience based investigation and Co-design of approaches to Prevent and reduce Mental Health Act Use: (CO-PACT) study. Nagina has worked as a Scientist at Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) on the mixed method study focused on the Cultural adaptation of CBT for Canadians of South Asian Origin. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, She has also worked with Touro University Nevada, Las Vegas, on Professionalism in undergraduate medical Education and with the Royal College of Psychiatrists on Social Justice, Differential Attainment and Microaggressions in healthcare and medical education. She was a Medical Research Council (MRC) Research Training Fellow, her research was centred on complex interventions for people with depression, University of Manchester. Her post-doctoral studies were also undertaken at the NIHR School for Primary Care Research, UK focusing on First episode Psychosis in Young People Using Early Intervention services. Other research interests include Incentivisation Schemes (P4P) in healthcare for HICs and LMICs and Global Health. Nagina is the Associate Editor at BMJ Mental Health, and she is an Editorial Fellow at BMJ Leader.