No evidence that medication can prevent PTSD in people exposed to trauma, according to new Cochrane review


In his debut blog, Richard Meiser-Stedman explores a recent Cochrane systematic review which finds no evidence for the use of medication to prevent the onset of PTSD in people who have been exposed to a traumatic event.

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The 4M model for promoting student mental health: mindfulness, movement, meaning and moderator-based interventions


In her debut blog, Snigdha Dutta explores the 4M model for promoting university student mental health, explored by a recent systematic review which suggests that a combination of mindfulness, movement, meaning, and moderator-based interventions may help.

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Harm minimisation for self-harm: mixed-method analysis of electronic health care records finds it can be helpful


Holly Crudgington reviews a mixed-methods analysis of electronic health records in secondary mental healthcare on harm minimisation for the management of self-harm.

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Age at onset of mental disorders: global meta-analysis provides data for targeting effective interventions


Dona Matthews summarises a comprehensive global meta-analysis that presents our best current knowledge on the age of onset of various mental disorders. This review has major implications for our mental health promotion and prevention efforts.

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Will the COVID-19 pandemic lead to a mental health pandemic?


In his debut blog, KCL student George Bougas explores a recent longitudinal study looking at mental health outcomes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.

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Do suicide awareness campaigns reduce stigma and increase help-seeking?


Cara Richardson reviews a Dutch study exploring the impact of a suicide prevention awareness campaign on stigma, taboo and attitudes towards professional help-seeking.

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Psychotherapies for suicide and self-harm in young people: join our tweet chat #YouthSuicidePrevention


Laura Hemming summarises a review on the comparative efficacy and acceptability of psychotherapies for self-harm and suicide in young people, which highlights continued uncertainty in the field.

Join our tweet chat at 9am BST on Monday 24th May to discuss the future of #YouthSuicidePrevention research!

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New Wellcome report on #WorkplaceMentalHealth

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Andy Bell looks at a new report from the Wellcome Trust entitled: Putting science to work – Understanding what works for workplace mental health.

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Mental disorders start early and vary across the lifespan: it’s time to pay attention to the whole person, and less to the diagnosis #IoPPNfestival


In her debut blog, Dona Matthews reviews a longitudinal cohort study by Caspi and Moffitt which explores how mental disorders and comorbidities have affected over one thousand people in New Zealand across four decades.

This Dunedin birth cohort study research will be presented by Prof Terrie Moffitt at the #IoPPNfestival later today.

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What can we do to support the mental health of frontline health and social care workers during the pandemic?


Nikki Nabavi reviews a mixed methods systematic review that looks at interventions to support frontline health and social care staff during and after a disease outbreak, epidemic or pandemic.

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