Can gaming interventions help treat youth depression or anxiety?


Theo Kyriacou and Andie Ashdown summarise a systematic review which finds that gaming interventions may be useful for depression, but not anxiety, in young people.

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Harm minimisation for self-harm: mixed-method analysis of electronic health care records finds it can be helpful


Holly Crudgington reviews a mixed-methods analysis of electronic health records in secondary mental healthcare on harm minimisation for the management of self-harm.

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Supporting frontline health and social care workers during COVID-19: experiences of mental health professionals


Laura Culshaw reviews a recent qualitative study on the experiences of mental health professionals supporting frontline health and social care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Are homeless people more likely to die by suicide?


Ian Cummins explores a study that analysed data from the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health, which finds that homeless people were more likely to die by suicide after discharge from hospital than non-homeless people.

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Increased risk for physical illness in schizophrenia is not caused by genetic liability for the disorder: according to new data-linkage study


Dolly Sud appraises a recent data linkage study on the impact of schizophrenia genetic liability on the association between schizophrenia and physical illness.

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Psychological resilience to suicidal thoughts and behaviours in people with schizophrenia


Emily Hielscher reviews a recent qualitative study that examines factors that contribute to psychological resilience to suicidal thoughts and behaviours in people with schizophrenia or psychosis.

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