Preventing anxiety with psychological and educational interventions


Inês Pote publishes her debut elf blog about a recent systematic review on the effectiveness of psychological and/or educational interventions in the prevention of anxiety.

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Prevention and early intervention for youth mental illness: how should we focus our limited resources? #MQScienceMeeting


André Tomlin presents a summary of all the evidence we have highlighted over the last 3 years relating to prevention and early intervention for mental illness in young people.

This blog accompanies the #MQScienceMeeting coverage this week, which you can follow on Twitter.

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Silver diamine fluoride for caries in primary teeth


This review of the effectiveness of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) in arresting caries included 11 studies with 4 contributing to a meta-analysis showing it to be more effective than other active agents and placebo.

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Can gamified cCBT prevent depression in secondary school students?

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Lisa Burscheidt summarises a school-based RCT of an online gamified cCBT intervention (SPARX-R) for preventing depression in final year secondary school students in Australia.

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Future self-harm may be reduced with a brief psychological intervention, but perhaps only for the more severe


Angharad de Cates explores a recent RCT of a brief psychological intervention to reduce repetition of self-harm in patients admitted to hospital following a suicide attempt.

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Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ): treatment and prevention


This Cochrane review of interventions for the prevention and treatment of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) identified 5 trials. Three were related to prevention and two to treatment providing limited evidence to support interventions. More high quality studies are needed.

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Are digital tools the answer to improving employee wellbeing and effectiveness? #WorldMentalHealthDay


It’s #WorldMentalHealthDay today and the theme this year is promoting awareness of mental health in the workplace.

We’re getting in on the act with Chris O’Sullivan looking in detail at a recent systematic review of web-based psychological interventions delivered in the workplace, to improve employee wellbeing and effectiveness.

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Preventing anxiety disorders in young people at risk


Belinda Platt reports on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis looking at the prevention of anxiety disorders in at-risk children and adolescents.

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Silver diamine fluoride: effectiveness in older adults

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Three RCTs were included in this review of silver diamine fluoride for caries prevention in older adults. all 3 studies support teh effectiveness of SDF for root caries arrest and prevention.

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Fissure sealants effective in preventing caries in children and adolescents

Fissure sealant

38 trials were included in this updated Cochrane review of the effect of fissure sealants on occlusal caries. The data show a reduction in caries of between 11-51% at 24months compared to no sealant. The benefit was also maintained at longer-term follow up.

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