SMS CBT TLC CYP? 🤔 Does delivering cognitive behavioural therapy via text messages help improve depression in young people?


Becky Appleton summarises a randomised controlled trial investigating the effectiveness and acceptability of text-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for improving depression in young adults.

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Computerised CBT for youth anxiety and depression: a growing evidence-base


In her debut blog, Jemma Baker reports on a systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression and anxiety in adolescents.

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Digital youth mental health interventions: will the evidence ever catch up?


Robbie Fraser summarises an overview of systematic reviews, which finds that computerised CBT for anxiety and depression remains the best evidenced digital mental health intervention for young people.

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iCBT for depression: reflections from university students

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Sharon Eager summarises a qualitative study conducted with university students in South Africa who identify the pros and cons of iCBT for depression.

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Technology-based CBT for youth anxiety: moderate short-term benefits but uncertainty remains #CAMHScampfire

Young people with anxiety disorders may benefit from t-CBT in the short term.

Douglas Badenoch takes a look at a recent systematic review on technology-delivered CBT for anxiety disorders in children below 18 years of age.

Join us around the #CAMHScampfire on Tuesday 24th May to discuss this paper with the author and a group of experts.

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Quit playing games with my… head? Online therapeutic games for LGBTQ+ youth #MindTech2019


Will Koehler writes his debut Mental Elf blog on an exploratory study about how LGBT youth use the internet in relation to their mental health.

Follow #MindTech2019 on Twitter today to hear more from the lead author Mathijs Lucassen about this and other recent digital mental health research.

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What do teachers need to support student mental health?

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Rachel Symons summarises a qualitative study on teachers’ aspirations, needs and opinions regarding student mental health support in secondary schools.

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Can gamified cCBT prevent depression in secondary school students?

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Lisa Burscheidt summarises a school-based RCT of an online gamified cCBT intervention (SPARX-R) for preventing depression in final year secondary school students in Australia.

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Mental health apps for young people: an evidence-free zone?


Natalie Nelissen from mHabitat publishes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review of mental health apps for young people, which highlights the current dearth of reliable research to support the efficacy and safety of mobile apps.

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iCBT for OCD in young people: study suggests it’s cost-effective, but more research needed


Alastair Canaway on a recent RCT that looks at the cost-effectiveness of therapist-guided internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for paediatric obsessive–compulsive disorder.

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