Adult dental anxiety – management strategies


This review of current management strategies for adult patients with dental anxiety in the dental clinic included 54 studies. Most of the psychotherapeutic behavioural strategies provided some benefits but there was limited supporting evidence for some approaches. Pharmocological approaches were not included.

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As waiting lists grow for anxiety disorders, should we be turning to digital interventions?


Theo Kyriacou and Andie Ashdown explore a recent systematic review that brings together two decades of research, which suggests that digital health interventions for anxiety disorders may be a more effective alternative to inactive controls, such as waiting-list groups.

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iCBT for depression: reflections from university students

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Sharon Eager summarises a qualitative study conducted with university students in South Africa who identify the pros and cons of iCBT for depression.

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Mindfulness in schools: MYRIAD trial findings offer limited support for school based mindfulness training


Lucinda Powell reports on the findings of the huge MYRIAD (My Resilience in Adolescence) project, which looked at the effectiveness of school based mindfulness training across more than 100 UK schools.

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School based humanistic counselling: a little better than pastoral care, but more expensive


In her debut blog, Annie Stevenson reports on an RCT finding that school-based humanistic counselling reduces psychological distress, but is not cost-effective.

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Depression and anxiety among doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic: yet more collateral damage?


Eleana Frisira summarises a systematic review that presents recent global prevalence data about the rates of depression and anxiety among doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Online support for family carers of people with dementia: what works for their mental health?


Clarissa Giebel reflects on a recent systematic review which investigates online support for family carers of people with dementia.

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Is there a link between sexual harassment and eating disorder symptoms?


Andie Ashdown summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis which finds a relationship between sexual harrassment and eating disorder symptomatology.

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How important is understanding perfectionism for reducing depression and anxiety? #BABCP2022


Alice Potter considers a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies on the link between anxiety, depression, and perfectionism in young people, and the implications for treatment.

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Technology-based CBT for youth anxiety: moderate short-term benefits but uncertainty remains #CAMHScampfire

Young people with anxiety disorders may benefit from t-CBT in the short term.

Douglas Badenoch takes a look at a recent systematic review on technology-delivered CBT for anxiety disorders in children below 18 years of age.

Join us around the #CAMHScampfire on Tuesday 24th May to discuss this paper with the author and a group of experts.

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