We need to give staff a say, to make sure they will want to stay: what a realist review tells us is missing from the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan


Justine Karpusheff explores a new realist synthesis of factors affecting retention of staff in UK adult mental health services.

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Cost of living linked to depression in healthcare workers

In comparison to medical positions, healthcare workers in nursing roles were over 2 times more likely to experience financial concerns and meet the criteria for depression.

Lisa Lloyd summarises a UK-based cohort study investigating the associations between financial concerns and the development of depression in healthcare workers.

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In at the deep end: workplace pandemic difficulties faced by medical students and junior doctors


Olga Lainidi summarises a qualitative study capturing the stories of medical students and junior doctors about the workplace difficulties they faced during the pandemic.

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Suicide and self-harm in nurses and midwives: urgent attention needed according to new systematic review


Ben Hannigan summarises a recent systematic review exploring the prevalence, risk factors and interventions for suicide and self-harm in nurses and midwives.

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Abandoned and betrayed: burnout and moral injury amongst NHS staff during COVID-19

Thank you NHS

Elena Opie summarises a study exploring the UK National Health Service staff experiences of betrayal-based moral injury during COVID-19.

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Half of all frontline health workers were mentally ill during early months of COVID-19 pandemic


Kate Chartres and Dafni Katsampa summarise a systematic review exploring anxiety, depression, trauma-related, and sleep disorders among healthcare workers during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Homeless hostel residents and staff struggle to access health and social care services

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In her debut blog, Ava Phillips summarises a paper that finds both people living in homeless hostels, and staff working there, feel marginalised and struggle to access the health and social care they need.

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Depression and anxiety among doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic: yet more collateral damage?


Eleana Frisira summarises a systematic review that presents recent global prevalence data about the rates of depression and anxiety among doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Mental health interventions for healthcare staff in infectious disease outbreaks


In her debut blog, Bryony Porter summarises a systematic review exploring interventions to address mental health issues in healthcare workers during infectious disease outbreaks.

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Increased alcohol consumption during the pandemic: explained


Ian Hamilton reviews a recent longitudinal study from Finland, which explores the psychological stressors predicting increased drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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