Navigating mental health support for female migrants in Europe: insights from a systematic feminist review


Ana Veic explores a review on the female migrant experience in accessing mental health support in primary care settings across Europe, which concludes that services must be culturally aware and gender sensitive.

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Europe’s climate hotspot: climate change and mental health in Italy


Francesca Bentivegna and Ivar Maas consider a scoping review exploring climate change, trauma and mental health in Italy, one of the most affected Mediterranean countries.

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European psychotherapists’ wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic


Mitchell Kemp summarises a cross-sectional study exploring the subjective wellbeing of psychotherapists in 12 European countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Daily skunk cannabis use associated with a 5-fold increase in psychosis risk


Luke Sheridan-Reins explores a recent paper on the contribution of cannabis use to variation in the incidence of psychotic disorder across Europe.

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Involuntary hospitalisation: variations in mental health detentions across Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand

The rate of mental health detentions in England has risen by nearly 50% in the last decade. This is faster than almost anywhere else in Europe

John Baker examines an international comparative mental health study published today, which looks at variations in patterns of involuntary hospitalisation and in legal frameworks.

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Migrant mental health may improve with children’s educational success


John Moriarty’s debut blog investigates a recent cross-sectional study looking at whether the mental health of migrant parents is supported by the educational achievements of their children.

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Does recession = poorer health? Evidence strongest for suicide and mental illness


Claire Niedzwiedz examines a recent systematic review which looks at the possible harm caused by the 2008 financial crisis and recession on the health of people living across Europe.

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Strong primary care can help improve efficiency, says WHO report

Map of Europe with flags identifying each country

In her blog, Caroline De Brún considers a recently published report by the World Health Organization, comparing strengths and issues faced by primary care health systems in Europe.

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“Financial crisis provides a window of opportunity and stimulus for reform” says a Health Foundation report

Measuring tape wrapped around a wad of Euros

This is a summary of an evidence scan produced by The Health Foundation about lessons the NHS can learn from other countries about managing financial crisis.

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