Barriers to mental health services among British Bangladeshi men


Elisha Joshi considers a qualitative study focusing on the experiences of British Bangladeshi men accessing mental health support in the UK.

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How can we make children and young people’s mental health care more evidence-based?

Although an interesting addition to research, the study has left some concerns and questions regarding validity.

In her debut blog, Robyn Bosworth summarises a systematic review investigating the barriers and facilitators of implementing evidence-based practice into mental health services for children and young people.

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A triple empathy problem? Exploring barriers to accessing healthcare for autistic adults


Hannah Wallace summarises a qualitative study exploring the ‘triple empathy problem’ among autistic adults attempting to access healthcare, and how this can contribute to adverse outcomes.

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Psychotherapy presents hope for people in South Asia with depression and a non-communicable disease


A team of experts from the Global NIHR Centre for IMPACT consider the findings of a recent review, which looks at the effectiveness and implementation of psychological interventions for depression in people with non-communicable diseases in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

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Gender identity and eating disorders: clinician’s perceptions of care for transgender and gender diverse patients


Sophie Archer’s debut blog summarises a qualitative study exploring healthcare provider perspectives on barriers and facilitators to transgender and gender diverse patients accessing and receiving support for eating disorders.

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Mental health support teams in schools: an evaluation of the UK Trailblazer programme


Lucinda Powell reflects on an early evaluation of the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Trailblazer programme, which looked at the first 25 ‘Trailblazer’ sites implementing mental health support teams in schools.

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Barriers to PTSD care for US veterans: new evidence highlights importance of an intersectional approach


Dr Ana Veic explores the barriers to mental health care reported by over 17,000 US veterans with PTSD, and how these barriers differ between demographic groups (e.g., by race and by sex).

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Children vs dependent older people – facilitators and barriers to providing oral hygiene


In this their latest blog Gemma Gaw, Suzy Harkness, Emma O’Donnell Scottish Specialty Registrars in Special Care Dentistry look at a review comparing barriers and facilitators to providing oral health measures for both children and dependent older adults.

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Mental health services for sexual minorities: experiences of discrimination, barriers to services and priorities for improvement


In her latest blog, Siobhan D’Almeida appraises a qualitative study exploring the experiences of sexual minorities when accessing mental health services, with a specific focus on the impact to the therapeutic relationship.

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