Results: 389

For: risk factors

Assessing digital risk: a mixed-methods study assessing psychiatry trainee’s experiences, views and understanding


Georgie Parker reviews a mixed-methods study exploring psychiatry trainees understanding, experience of and competence assessing and managing digital risk.

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Can we predict how people will adjust after victimisation? Progress towards an individualised risk calculator for psychopathology


In her debut blog, Jessica Armitage reviews a recent cohort study, which suggests that it may be possible to predict risk of psychopathology in victimised children.

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Is there a causal link between mental health problems and risk of COVID-19 infection?


In his debut blog, Andrew Steptoe summarises two recent papers using electronic health record datasets, which suggest that having a psychiatric diagnosis may put people at risk of COVID-19 infection.

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Suicide risk assessment tools: what’s the current state of the evidence?


Gabrielle Beaudry reviews a new national mixed methods study from the UK on suicide risk assessment tools used in mental health services.

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Masculinity, depression and suicide risk in men with a history of childhood maltreatment


In her debut blog, Cara Richardson explores whether masculine values are differentially linked to men’s mental health functioning, depending on exposure to childhood maltreatment.

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Risk factors for self-harm in prison


In her debut blog, Rebecca Crook summarises a systematic review of individual and environmental risk factors for self-harm in prison.

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Self-harm in prison: can we accurately predict risk?


In her debut blog, Verity Wainwright looks into a recently devised screening tool, which tries to predict self-harm in male prisoners.

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Transgender discrimination and stigma: links to anxiety and depression


Emily Day summarises a recent study exploring the effects that transgender discrimination and stigma can have on the mental health of trans people, and what strategies individuals use to cope.

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Suicide risk in young people who self-harm and visit emergency departments


Katerina Kavalidou reviews a prospective observational cohort study on mortality and suicide risk in young people after they present to hospital emergency departments following episodes of self-harm.

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Poverty causes mental illness and vice versa: how can we end this vicious cycle?


Andy Bell summarises a new international report that presents the causal links and mechanisms of action between poverty, anxiety and depression.

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