Digital self-help for bulimia recovery: encouraging results for waiting list management


In her debut blog, Ana Julia Ferreira summarises a randomised controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of a digital self-help intervention for improving bulimic-spectrum disorder symptomatology while on a treatment waiting list.

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The impact of calorie labelling on menus for individuals with eating disorders


Lucy Hyam discusses a qualitative study that explored the impact of calorie labelling on menus for individuals with current or past experience of eating disorders.

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Gender identity and eating disorders: clinician’s perceptions of care for transgender and gender diverse patients


Sophie Archer’s debut blog summarises a qualitative study exploring healthcare provider perspectives on barriers and facilitators to transgender and gender diverse patients accessing and receiving support for eating disorders.

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The Body Project peer-led eating disorders prevention programme shows promise for bulimia nervosa and purging disorder

Across the three trials, 10.6% of Body Project participants went on to develop an eating disorder in comparison to 17.4% of the control groups, indicating promise in the intervention.

Georgie Parker summarises a recent study which outlines the results of three trials exploring the effectiveness of a peer-led dissonance-based programme for preventing the onset of eating disorders.

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The healthcare cost of multimorbidity in people with mental health diagnoses in Denmark


Kitty Saunders and Silke Vereeken explore the individual and population level healthcare costs of multimorbidities in people with at least one mental health diagnosis in Denmark.

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Online family-based therapy for youth eating disorders: promising, but randomised evidence needed


In her debut blog, Eline van Bree summarises a recent pre-post observational cohort study, which explores the effectiveness of delivering evidence-based eating disorder treatment via telemedicine for children and young people.

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CBT for eating disorders: which approach works best for whom?


Alice Potter reviews a trial of CBT for eating disorders, which finds that motivational work may be important for patients with initially low motivation and resistance to therapy.

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Interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders: a viable alternative to CBT?


Georgie Parker summarises a systematic review which suggests that interpersonal psychotherapy may be as effective as CBT for eating disorders, particularly in certain groups.

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New Canadian study confirms the excess mortality associated with eating disorders


In her debut blog, Anna Paspala summarises a new study published today in The British Journal of Psychiatry, which suggests that in Ontario, Canada, mortality rates in people with eating disorders were 5-7 times higher than the general population.

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Can we predict how people will adjust after victimisation? Progress towards an individualised risk calculator for psychopathology


In her debut blog, Jessica Armitage reviews a recent cohort study, which suggests that it may be possible to predict risk of psychopathology in victimised children.

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