Prisonization: how does prison impact on the mental health of prisoners? Insights from Norway


Verity Wainwright explores a qualitative study from Norway, which looks into prisoners understanding of mental health and the prison environment.

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Mental disorder and homicide: are rates and sentencing patterns changing?


Danny Whiting reports on a study of mental health problems and long-term national trends in rates and court outcome for people convicted of homicide.

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Prison and mental illness: the unmet needs associated with reincarceration


Danny Whiting reviews a recent Canadian prison study which finds that schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and homelessness are some of the factors significantly associated with reincarceration.

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Qualitative co-production: involving people with lived experience in co-analysis of qualitative data


In her debut blog, Nia Coupe summarises a recent study on how people with lived experience can be involved in the analysis of qualitative research data.

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Communicating emotions and reducing harm amongst male prisoners


Rebecca Crook reviews a recent qualitative study exploring the difficulties that male prisoners sometimes have in identifying and discussing their feelings about suicide and violence.

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Risk factors for self-harm in prison


In her debut blog, Rebecca Crook summarises a systematic review of individual and environmental risk factors for self-harm in prison.

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Self-harm in prison: can we accurately predict risk?


In her debut blog, Verity Wainwright looks into a recently devised screening tool, which tries to predict self-harm in male prisoners.

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Inclusion health: a new perspective on health inequalities?


Noortje Uphoff writes her debut elf blog on a recent paper in The Lancet, which looks at what works in inclusion health; providing an overview of effective interventions for marginalised and excluded populations.

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Women in prison have significantly more drug problems than men #WomenAndDrugs


Geoff Page publishes his debut elf blog on a new systematic review of alcohol and drug use disorders in recently incarcerated men and women.

We’re publishing this blog to coincide with the #WomenAndDrugs event taking place in York today, which you can follow on Twitter and via our live podcast.

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“The links between poor health and reoffending have been long understood” according to agreement

Prisoner behind bars

This is a very important document, particularly for commissioners, prison health professionals, and prison workers because it is trying to overcome the vicious circle that faces offenders when they leave prison, which is finding housing and employment while maintaining their health and re-integrating back into society. Alcohol, drug misuse, other addictions, and mental health issues are [read the full story…]