Barriers to mental health services among British Bangladeshi men


Elisha Joshi considers a qualitative study focusing on the experiences of British Bangladeshi men accessing mental health support in the UK.

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Mental illness is linked to being a victim and/or perpetrator of violence: time to face up to some inconvenient truths?


Anabelle Paulino and Maya Ogonah summarise a recent Danish longitudinal study on the risk of violent victimisation and perpetration following the onset of mental illness.

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Risk and recovery factors in male suicide: is society failing men?


Lucy Barrass considers a recent review, which suggests that understanding masculine norms is a key area for suicide prevention.

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Introducing the Hope service: we need to provide practical support to men at risk of suicide


In his debut blog, Michael J. Wilson appraises a qualitative study, which examined service users, staff and stakeholder perspectives on a service helping to prevent suicide in men who are going through a crisis.

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Ask about alcohol use in adults affected by divorce, bereavement or illness


Sally Adams considers a recent Finnish longitudinal study, which examines heavy alcohol consumption before and after negative life events in late mid-life.

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Male suicide prevention: uncovering the challenges associated with “talking”


Cara Richardson explores a recent qualitative study conducted in Scotland, which finds that the contexts in which men talk about suicide are an important part of male suicide prevention.

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Risk factors for suicide in men: new review highlights substance misuse, marital status and depression


Holly Crudgington summarises a recent systematic review and narrative synthesis of risk factors for suicidal behaviour in men, which finds that substance misuse, marital status and depression are the strongest risk factors.

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Many men do seek help prior to suicide, but are services adequately designed to assess men’s needs?


Cara Richardson summarises a qualitative photovoice study, which finds that some men who died by suicide did seek help before their death, but the help given was often ineffective.

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Masculinity, depression and suicide risk in men with a history of childhood maltreatment


In her debut blog, Cara Richardson explores whether masculine values are differentially linked to men’s mental health functioning, depending on exposure to childhood maltreatment.

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Self-harm in prison: can we accurately predict risk?


In her debut blog, Verity Wainwright looks into a recently devised screening tool, which tries to predict self-harm in male prisoners.

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