

Mindfulness has become very popular in recent years and we are seeing a large quantity of research published on mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, mindfulness-based group therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction.

Mindfulness exercises are popular with the general public because they are easy to learn and quick to do, compared with a long wait for other forms of psychotherapy (e.g. CBT).

The published research covers a huge range of health problems and we have featured blogs on topics including anxiety, depression, substance misuse, psychosis, stress, binging and weight loss and the mental health of breast cancer patients.

Overall it seems that the uptake of mindfulness as an intervention and the popularity of this approach amongst service users and health professionals is some way ahead of the evidence. As is often the case, people are not waiting for high quality reliable studies before they start to practice an intervention which is accessible and (seemingly) safe.

Our Mindfulness Blogs

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for bipolar disorder


Peter McMurray writes his debut elf blog on a systematic review of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for bipolar disorder, which finds a lack of high quality research to support its use in clinical practice.

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Just how effective are digital mental health workplace interventions?


Chris O’Sullivan explores a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of eHealth interventions for reducing mental health conditions in employees.

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Complementary therapies for PTSD: can mindfulness combat the mindlessness of combat? #CAMSTRAND2018


The #CAMSTRAND2018 delegates blog about a recent systematic review of mind-body therapies for Military Veterans with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

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Third wave CBT for psychosis: how reliable is current evidence?


Keith Laws explores a recent meta-analysis of third wave CBT for psychosis, which suggests we need better evidence about the safety and efficacy of mindfulness, acceptance-based therapy, compassion-focused therapy and other third wave approaches.

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Mindfulness may help university students reduce stress


Judith Shipman summarises the Mindful Student Study; a pragmatic RCT of a mindfulness-based intervention to increase resilience to stress in university students.

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Teacher burnout: can we prevent it, or is that the wrong question?


As we prepare for our Youth Mental Health Question Time event in London this evening, Lucinda Powell considers a meta-analysis looking at the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing teacher burnout.

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Prevention and early intervention for youth mental illness: how should we focus our limited resources? #MQScienceMeeting


André Tomlin presents a summary of all the evidence we have highlighted over the last 3 years relating to prevention and early intervention for mental illness in young people.

This blog accompanies the #MQScienceMeeting coverage this week, which you can follow on Twitter.

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Mindfulness in schools: what next?


Jennifer Hanratty summarises the recent Campbell review on mindfulness-based interventions for improving cognition, academic achievement, behaviour and socioemotional functioning in schools. She considers what school leaders, researchers and policy makers should do next, considering the current uncertainty around mindfulness in schools.

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