How can digital technology help close the mortality gap for people with severe mental illness?


Lina Gega from the Closing the Gap Network explores a recent review of digital technology for health promotion, which looks at opportunities to address excess mortality in people living with severe mental illness.

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Psychosis and physical health: listening to patients and family carers


Shuichi Suetani and Sharon Lawn explore a recent viewpoint article on physical health problems in psychosis, which asks: Is it time to consider the views of family carers?

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Preventing mental illness, at long last


Peter Byrne, the Public Mental Health lead at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, welcomes a new BMA report entitled: “Tackling the Causes – promoting public mental health and investing in prevention”.

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Physical health inequalities in primary care


Andy Bell from Centre for Mental Health and the Equally Well UK collaborative, calls for action in response to the Public Health England briefing on severe mental illness and physical health inequalities.

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Collaborative care for depression and physical multimorbidity: clinically and cost-effective over the long term


Gemma Shields summarises the findings of a cluster RCT looking at the long-term clinical and cost-effectiveness of collaborative care (versus usual care) for people with mental-physical multimorbidity.

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Quality of general hospital care through the liaison psychiatry lens?


Kirsten Lawson explores a recent study of liaison psychiatry professionals’ views of general hospital care for patients with mental illness.

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Home eviction and health inequalities


Ian Cummins considers a recent systematic review on the threat of home eviction and its effects on health through the equity lens.

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Peer support for physical health improvement: recovering ‘stolen years’?


Lucy Simons discusses whether peer support interventions can help to provide physical health improvements for people living with severe mental illness.

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Integrated care for the physical health of people with severe mental illness: no easy answers


Liz Hughes summarises a recent rapid review on integrated care to address the physical health needs of people with severe mental illness.

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Bringing together physical and mental health: King’s Fund report on integrated care


Kirsten Lawson takes us through the key messages from the recent King’s Fund report on bringing together physical and mental health.

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