Sophie Archer

Profile photo of Sophie Archer
I have worked across multiple mental and physical health settings following completing my post-graduate course in Cognitive Clinical Neuroscience. I have gained experience as a support worker for individuals diagnosed with a personality disorder as well as working as an Assistant Psychologist in Neurorehabilitation and CAMHS Services. My previous post involved providing support across inpatient and outpatient settings for stroke survivors and individuals with traumatic brain injuries or neurological conditions. My current post is within the CAMHS Eating Disorder Service as an assistant psychologist providing support with assessment and treatment of disordered eating.


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Gender identity and eating disorders: clinician’s perceptions of care for transgender and gender diverse patients


Sophie Archer’s debut blog summarises a qualitative study exploring healthcare provider perspectives on barriers and facilitators to transgender and gender diverse patients accessing and receiving support for eating disorders.

[read the full story...]