Digital youth mental health interventions: will the evidence ever catch up?


Robbie Fraser summarises an overview of systematic reviews, which finds that computerised CBT for anxiety and depression remains the best evidenced digital mental health intervention for young people.

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Treating PTSD in adults: EMDR and trauma-focused CBT still lead the way


Nada Abou Seif summarises a network meta-analysis which finds that EMDR and trauma-focused CBT remain the most effective ways to treat adult PTSD.

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Just one shot at it: single session interventions for adolescent depression


Maria Loades and Georgia Herring consider a randomised trial of online single-session interventions for adolescent depression during COVID-19.

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Trauma-focused CBT for PTSD in patients experiencing an ongoing threat of trauma


In her debut blog, Tanya Garg summarises a systematic review that suggests trauma-focused CBT may be helpful for people with PTSD symptoms who are also experiencing an ongoing threat of trauma.

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Low intensity treatments for self-harm or suicidal behaviour: what’s the harm in trying?


Millie Witcher and Sarah Rowe appraise a randomised controlled trial on the effect of low-intensity treatments for self-harm among people with suicidal ideation, which has some important findings.

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CBT for eating disorders: which approach works best for whom?


Alice Potter reviews a trial of CBT for eating disorders, which finds that motivational work may be important for patients with initially low motivation and resistance to therapy.

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Interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders: a viable alternative to CBT?


Georgie Parker summarises a systematic review which suggests that interpersonal psychotherapy may be as effective as CBT for eating disorders, particularly in certain groups.

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On the dangers of protocolising telephone psychotherapy


In his debut blog, Richard Byng summarises a study which finds that protocolising psychological therapy could be detrimental for telemental health.

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Videoconference delivered CBT for anxiety disorders: working alliance and intolerance of uncertainty


Tyler Hughes blogs about a randomised controlled trial which explores therapeutic alliance in videoconference delivered CBT for anxiety.

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Vicarious trauma: how does working with trauma survivors affect therapists?


Sahra Tekin and Jo Billings summarise a meta-ethnographic review of qualitative studies looking at vicarious trauma in therapists working with survivors of trauma.

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