Results: 183

For: report

Preventing mental illness, at long last


Peter Byrne, the Public Mental Health lead at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, welcomes a new BMA report entitled: “Tackling the Causes – promoting public mental health and investing in prevention”.

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Person-centred care: challenges and changes to the training of psychiatrists


“A significant number of people receiving psychiatric care are not treated with the utmost dignity within our services that a true ‘person-centred’ approach would ensure.”

Linda Gask summarises a new report from the Royal College of Psychiatrists on person-centred care and its implications for training in psychiatry.

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Physical health inequalities in primary care


Andy Bell from Centre for Mental Health and the Equally Well UK collaborative, calls for action in response to the Public Health England briefing on severe mental illness and physical health inequalities.

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Sexual safety in mental health inpatient units #SexualSafetyMH


Liz Hughes considers the findings and implications of the new CQC report on sexual safety on mental health wards, which calls for co-produced guidance to enable everyone who delivers mental health services to do the right thing about sexual safety.

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“Where I End And You Begin”: A personal commentary on Russo’s ‘Through the eyes of the observed’ #PsychDrugDebate

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Sarah Carr shares her own experiences of psychiatric medication and provides a critical reading of Jasna Russo’s new #PsychDrugDebate paper: ‘Through the eyes of the observed: re-directing the research on psychiatric drugs’.

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How should we redirect research on psychiatric drugs? #PsychDrugDebate


Alison Faulkner dissects the new McPin Foundation Talking Point Paper by Jasna Russo entitled: Through the eyes of the observed: re-directing research on psychiatric drugs.

Follow #PsychDrugDebate today on Twitter for further discussion about this vital issue.

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Power Threat Meaning Framework: innovative and important? #PTMFramework


Paul Salkovskis and Jo Edge explore the Power Threat Meaning Framework that was published in January 2018 by the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology.

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Sameer Jauhar and Paul Morrison consider the revised Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia report from the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology, which includes updated sections on definitions, aetiology and treatment.

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A spotlight on student mental health in UK universities


Nicky Lambert summarises the recent IPPR report on improving student mental health in the UK’s universities, which paints a stark picture that demands urgent attention.

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Is mental malaise the psychological equivalent of obesity?


Stan Kutcher reflects on a recently published briefing paper entitled: mental ill-health among children of the new century, which concluded that one in four 14 year old girls had self-reported “high symptoms of depression”.

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