Humma Andleeb reviews a qualitative paper on deconstructing Whiteness in Clinical Psychology and how White female clinical psychologists perceive whiteness in the profession.
[read the full story...]Humma Andleeb reviews a qualitative paper on deconstructing Whiteness in Clinical Psychology and how White female clinical psychologists perceive whiteness in the profession.
[read the full story...]Paul Salkovskis and Jo Edge explore the Power Threat Meaning Framework that was published in January 2018 by the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology.
[read the full story...]Sameer Jauhar and Paul Morrison consider the revised Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia report from the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology, which includes updated sections on definitions, aetiology and treatment.
[read the full story...]Something a bit different today; a reflective blog from André Tomlin who has spent most of the last week discussing the new DCP #UnderstandingPsychosis report on Twitter. He considers the pros and cons of social media and what this whole discussion means for the future of the Mental Elf.
[read the full story...]Keith Laws, Alex Langford and Samei Huda provide a critique of the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology report published today.
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