Results: 59

For: complementary and alternative

Art therapy groups: many mental health patients are keen, but access remains limited


Lorna Collins reviews a cross-sectional study exploring the views and preferences of mental health service users about art therapy groups and treatment.

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Omega-3 supplements for depression and anxiety #ActiveIngredientsMH


Ashlee Negrone summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis on omega-3 supplements for depression and anxiety in adults, and briefly introduces their Active Ingredients project on omega-3 for youth depression and anxiety.

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Performing arts for dementia carers: feasibility and acceptability of a new multi-modal intervention


Alice Potter reviews a study of a new multi-modal performing arts intervention programme for carers of people with dementia, which suggests this approach is feasible and acceptable.

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Mapping the links between leisure activities and health outcomes: the Multilevel Leisure Mechanism Framework


Alice Potter summarises a narrative review and multi-level theoretical framework of mechanisms of action on how leisure activities affect health.

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Art and mental health on Instagram


Lorna Collins summarises a study looking at the impact of artwork posted on Instagram. She considers how art can promote mental health awareness, and the impact that sharing can have on the artist.

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Music therapy for depression: I want more…reliable research

The key difference between music therapy and music medicine is the presence of a trained music therapist. Both are becoming more accepted as treatments for mental health problems.

Jessica Bone summarises a recent meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials examining the effects of music therapy and music medicine on depressive symptoms.

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Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for unipolar and bipolar depression


Delia Ciobotaru reviews a recent randomised controlled trial on the neurocognitive effects of transcranial direct current stimulation in depression.

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Can psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy relieve existential crises in cancer patients?


Pascal Immanuel Michael reviews a randomised controlled trial examining long-term outcomes of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for existential distress in patients with cancer.

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Music therapy for autistic children: playing better than listening?


Hilary Shepherd summarises a recent randomised controlled trial comparing music therapy to music listening for children with autism spectrum disorder.

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Psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression: what are the effects on brain activity?


Anya Borissova summarises the therapeutic mechanisms of psilocybin in treatment-resistant depression and changes noticed in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex during emotional processing.

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