Mental health services for medical students: are specialist university-based student mental health services the answer?


Penelope Stavrou summarises a recent study on mental health services for medical students, which evaluates a clinical student mental health service in Cambridge.

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Transgender discrimination and stigma: links to anxiety and depression


Emily Day summarises a recent study exploring the effects that transgender discrimination and stigma can have on the mental health of trans people, and what strategies individuals use to cope.

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Language matters: how should we talk about suicide?

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In her debut blog, Charlotte Huggett summarises a recent online survey which explored views on the language we should use to discuss suicide. The study concludes that the most acceptable phrases are currently: “attempted suicide”, “took their own life”, “died by suicide” and “ended their life”.

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Older people who self-harm: the added complication of comorbidities


In her debut blog, Pooja Saini summarises a recent qualitative study that explored access to care for older adults who self-harm. The blog contains some excellent recommendations for primary care professionals and policy-makers.

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Trainee doctors’ attitudes to mental illness among their peers

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Penelope Zoe Stavrou summarises a recent qualitative study exploring UK trainee doctors’ attitudes to mental illness among their peers and their access to support services.

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Sex and schizophrenia: what determines sexual interest and confidence?


In her debut blog, Beccy White summarises a secondary analysis which explored predictors of sexual interest amongst older adults with schizophrenia.

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Determinants of mental health: a briefing from the Commission for Equality in Mental Health


Noortje Uphoff summarises a briefing from the Commission for Equality in Mental Health, which outlines how people from disadvantaged groups are more likely to be exposed to the factors that have a negative impact on our mental health.

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In harm’s way: psychiatric diagnosis and risks of being subjected to and perpetrating violence


Sarah Steeg discusses a cohort study finding that people with a psychiatric diagnosis are 3-4 times more likely to be a victim or perpetrator of violence.

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Personality disorder: new position statement from the Royal College of Psychiatrists


Keir Harding summarises the recently published position statement on personality disorder from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Readers interested in personality disorder research and services should follow #BIGSPD2020 on Twitter for the British and Irish Group for the Study of Personality Disorder conference on 24-26 March 2020.

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Stigma and eating disorders: theory and practice


Lorna Collins writes her debut elf blog on a recent mixed-methods systematic review, which asks: How do people with eating disorders experience the stigma associated with their condition?

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