Mental illness is linked to being a victim and/or perpetrator of violence: time to face up to some inconvenient truths?


Anabelle Paulino and Maya Ogonah summarise a recent Danish longitudinal study on the risk of violent victimisation and perpetration following the onset of mental illness.

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Communicating emotions and reducing harm amongst male prisoners


Rebecca Crook reviews a recent qualitative study exploring the difficulties that male prisoners sometimes have in identifying and discussing their feelings about suicide and violence.

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Violence and mental illness: does ignoring this blog stigmatise some people who need our help?


In his debut blog, Joseph Schwartz explores a systematic review finding that a range of psychiatric disorders are associated with an elevated risk of violence.

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In harm’s way: psychiatric diagnosis and risks of being subjected to and perpetrating violence


Sarah Steeg discusses a cohort study finding that people with a psychiatric diagnosis are 3-4 times more likely to be a victim or perpetrator of violence.

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Crime victimisation: vulnerability increased after onset of mental illness


Danny Whiting writes his debut elf blog on a recent Danish study that uses police data to measure the risk of being subjected to crime, including violent crime, after onset of mental illness.

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“Won’t you be my neighbour?” Psychosis and violent reoffending: does where you live matter?


Derek Tracy and Krisna Patel consider neighbourhood influences on violent reoffending risk in released prisoners diagnosed with psychotic disorders.

The blog also features a half hour audio podcast with the lead researcher Amir Sariaslan, the blogger Derek Tracy and Chief Elf André Tomlin.

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#PreventableHarm discussion 20/7/16: Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based?


Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based? Join us for the #PreventableHarm discussion in London on Wed 20th July 2016. This free open ‘question time’ style debate is being organised by the UCL Division of Psychiatry, The Lancet Psychiatry and the National Elf Service.

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Rape of older people: challenging the ‘Real Rape’ stereotype


Jill Manthorpe welcomes a recent paper by Bows & Westmarland, which provides a very useful summary of research about the rape and sexual violence committed against older women in the UK.

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No link between SSRI use and violent crime in over 25s


Sarah McDonald considers the implications of a recent cohort study of SSRI use and violent crime, which suffered from the usual headline grabbing media coverage, so typical of research about young people, violence, crime, drugs and mental health.

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Common mental health disorders linked with increased risk of violent reoffending in ex-prisoners


Ian Cummins considers the implications of a new cohort study of convicted prisoners in Sweden, which links psychiatric disorders with violent reoffending.

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