It’s time to CATCH on: supporting health practitioners to recognise and help victims of domestic violence and abuse

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In her debut blog, KCL student Melisa Eyuboglu summarises a meta-synthesis, which investigates the CATCH model (Commitment, Advocacy, Trust, Collaboration and Health) for addressing domestic violence and abuse.

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Borderline personality disorder and intimate partner violence


In her debut blog, Jessica Tunmore summarises a recent research study, which looks at the relationship between borderline personality disorder and intimate partner violence.

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Psychological interventions effective for improving mental health and sleep following complex trauma


In her debut blog, Delia Ciobotaru explores a network meta-analysis which finds that psychological treatments are effective in reducing PTSD symptoms experienced by people with complex trauma.

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Can we predict how people will adjust after victimisation? Progress towards an individualised risk calculator for psychopathology


In her debut blog, Jessica Armitage reviews a recent cohort study, which suggests that it may be possible to predict risk of psychopathology in victimised children.

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What impact has the COVID-19 pandemic had on people with mental health problems and the services they use?


Dafni Katsampa summarises a broad review which explores the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on mental health care and people with pre-existing mental health problems.

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Mental disorders and intimate partner violence perpetrated by men towards women


Anna Sri explores a recent longitudinal study exploring the links between mental disorders and intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetrated by men towards women, which finds that many psychiatric diagnoses were associated with an increased risk of IPV.

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New mothers and intimate partner violence: how can nurses help?


Vishal Bhavsar reports on a new RCT which looks at adding an Intimate Partner Violence intervention to a nurse home visitation programme, and the impact it can have on maternal quality of life.

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Younger mums may be at higher risk of mental health problems #ESMI


Jennifer Burgess summarises the results of a small cross-sectional study of young pregnant women at risk of mental disorders, which found that young women had greater odds of having a common mental disorder and CMDs were associated with living alone and abuse.

Follow #ESMI today on Twitter for all of the updates from the ESMI study day (Effectiveness of Services for Mothers with Mental Illness).

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High suicidality among people experiencing domestic abuse: findings from a mixed methods Refuge study #VAMHN


Roxanne Keynejad writes her debut elf blog about a recent study that investigates the prevalence of suicidality and associated factors in a large sample of people accessing Refuge services.

Follow #VAMHN on Twitter today for more from the Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network meeting in London.

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A psychological victory for the domestic violence and abuse sector: the PATH trial

Young adults who reported depressive and/or suicidality symptoms in adolescence were significantly more likely to have experienced relationship violence in their romantic relationships

Emma Yapp summarises two new studies out yesterday looking at the PATH intervention (Psychological Advocacy Towards Healing), a CBT-informed psychological intervention delivered by trained domestic violence and abuse (DVA) advocates in specialist services.

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