How can we make children and young people’s mental health care more evidence-based?

Although an interesting addition to research, the study has left some concerns and questions regarding validity.

In her debut blog, Robyn Bosworth summarises a systematic review investigating the barriers and facilitators of implementing evidence-based practice into mental health services for children and young people.

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What impacts on social workers attitudes towards evidence-based practice?


Daisy Long is back to blogging for the National Elf Service and in her first blog she has reviewed M.Kagan’s 2022 article on Social Workers’ Attitudes towards Evidence-based Practice: A Multidimensional Perspective.

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Involving consumers and survivors in mental health policy making


Andrew Shepherd explores a paper that makes him ask: Does the language and implementation of evidence based practice essentially risk excluding different voices from mental heath policy making?

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Social work and acquired brain injury: could this be the start of something new?

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Mark Holloway considers a scoping review of the social work‐generated evidence base on people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) of working age.

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Elves under the microscope: does elf promotion increase research uptake by health professionals?


Sarah Knowles reports on a survey and brief intervention study of the National Elf Service across the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, which sheds some light on how best to increase research uptake in mental health professionals.

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Elf help to ensure your research has digital impact #ResearchWales16


This post accompanies a talk I’m giving in Cardiff today at the Research with Impact conference organised by Health and Care Research Wales. Please read the blog, peruse my slides and let me know what you think. It’s an exciting time for us elves!

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What is the evidence for evidence-based guidelines?


Andrew Shepherd returns to the woodland with a blog about the evidence-practice gap in specialist mental healthcare; highlighting a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of guideline implementation studies.

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Social work students and evidence-based practice


Mike Clark investigates a US study into social work student use of research for evidence-based practice and wonders if the findings would apply to the UK.

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Reflections on Reimagining Social Care


Sarah Carr takes a look at a new report from Research in Practice for Adults which uses evidence to reimagine social care.

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CQC State of Care Report and research for quality improvement: Elves mine the archive


Sarah Carr takes a look at CQC’s State of Adult Social Care Report 2014/15 and corrals the elves in to mine the Social Care Elf archive for some research blogs to help adults social care providers improve services quality.

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