Who can you trust? The links between childhood adversity, deprivation and pandemic restrictions in Wales


In her debut blog, Poppy Brown summarises a survey which explores the links between adverse childhood experiences, attitudes towards COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine hesitancy.

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Hypomineralised second primary molars and prenatal, perinatal and postnatal exposures

HSPM  Molar-Incisor hypomineralisation

This review of adverse health conditions in the prenatal, perinatal and postnatal periods and associations with hypomineralised second primary molars(HSPM) included 14 studies. The findings suggest associations between HSPM and a number of condition but findings should be interpreted cautiously.

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Substance use is higher and more excessive in transgender people: evidence, limitations and gaps


Ivan Ezquerra-Romano summarises a systematic review looking into the prevalence of substance use among transgender people compared to their cisgender counterparts.

Today we also announce the launch of a new survey that will help us understand alcohol use in UK transgender and non-binary people.

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Male suicide prevention: uncovering the challenges associated with “talking”


Cara Richardson explores a recent qualitative study conducted in Scotland, which finds that the contexts in which men talk about suicide are an important part of male suicide prevention.

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Prevention toolkit from Public Health England


An updated version of ‘Delivering Better Oral Health, ’ the oral health prevention toolkit published iby Public Health England to provide practical evidence-based guidance for promoting oral health and preventing oral disease is now available.

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Can psychosocial interventions help reduce parental substance use?


In her debut blog, Lilli Waples summarises a recent Cochrane Review on the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions to reduce parental substance use.

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Are homeless people more likely to die by suicide?


Ian Cummins explores a study that analysed data from the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health, which finds that homeless people were more likely to die by suicide after discharge from hospital than non-homeless people.

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Alcohol and bipolar: how does heavy alcohol use predict the course of bipolar disorder?


Danielle Windget and Sammy Eden review a recent study on the patterns and clinical correlates of lifetime alcohol consumption in women and men with bipolar disorder.

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Disclosing self-harm history: people’s attributes and risk factors


Holly Crudgington reviews a recent study from Manchester, which explores characteristics and risk of repetition in people who fail to report previous hospital presentations for self-harm.

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MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for alcohol use disorder: is it feasible?


Anya Borissova reviews a recent UK pilot study which suggests that MDMA-assisted psychotherapy is a feasible intervention to use in people with alcohol use disorder. Now we need randomised trials that can reliably measure safety and effectiveness.

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