Lorna Staines discusses a recent Swedish cross-sectional study of 16,255 adolescent twins, which looks at the mental health risks of using psychedelics in the real world.
[read the full story...]Lorna Staines discusses a recent Swedish cross-sectional study of 16,255 adolescent twins, which looks at the mental health risks of using psychedelics in the real world.
[read the full story...]David Mongan reports on a recent trial of omega-3 supplementation for the prevention of psychosis in people at ultra-high risk, which finds no evidence of a positive effect. He reflects on these findings and considers what’s next for the field.
[read the full story...]Michael Kalfas and Paul Leeks summarise a recent Danish study that assesses the risk of antidepressant-induced mania in patients with bipolar depression.
[read the full story...]Katie Marwick on a new UK Biobank study which suggests that the two years either side of the final menstrual period represent a time of small increased risk for new onset bipolar and major depressive disorder.
[read the full story...]Danielle Windget and Sammy Eden review a recent study on the patterns and clinical correlates of lifetime alcohol consumption in women and men with bipolar disorder.
[read the full story...]Edel McGlanaghy critiques a systematic review which finds that meditation may lead to adverse events, particularly psychiatric adverse events.
[read the full story...]Charlotte Walker reviews a recent qualitative study on monitoring mood in bipolar disorder, which suggests that people with lived experience should customise monitoring questions to create a more responsive, personalised approach.
[read the full story...]Leela Sathyaputri and Jess Fiedorowicz write their debut elf blog on a narrative review of the recent bipolar disorder literature entitled: “Areas of uncertainties and unmet needs in bipolar disorders: clinical and research perspectives”.
[read the full story...]Kathryn Mitchell and Stephen Moore summarise a recent prospective cohort study in the British Journal of Psychiatry, which looks at the incidence of unipolar and bipolar depression, and mania in adults with intellectual disabilities.
[read the full story...]David Steele summarises a review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses, which looks at the mediators and moderators of the placebo effect in psychiatry.
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