“Failed by mental health services” is an all too familiar newspaper headline.
Can mental health services use new research into risks of self-harm, harm to others, and violence from others to make better decisions? Or is risk assessment simply a box-ticking exercise, and might overemphasis on risk damage patient care?
We are organising a live debate in London on Wednesday 20th July at 6-8pm to discuss this subject and we want you to get involved!
Updated 22 Jul 2016
Here’s the full podcast of the public discussion courtesy of Niall Boyce from The Lancet Psychiatry
Listen to all of The Lancet Psychiatry audio podcasts here.
What’s the plan?
These questions and more will be addressed in a 90-minute ‘question-time’ style conversation featuring a panel of experts from a range of backgrounds: health professionals, researchers, and service users. There will be ample opportunity to share your views and drive the discussion.
The debate will take place in a room in London but also on Twitter, so if you can’t join us in person, please participate in the conversation at #PreventableHarm.
The meeting will be live streamed on YouTube and made available afterwards on The Lancet Psychiatry podcast.

Join the conversation now on Twitter at #PreventableHarm.
Expert panel
- Michael Bloomfield, University College London (Co-Chair)
- Alan Simpson, City University (Co-Chair)
- Niall Boyce, The Lancet Psychiatry
- Sarah Carr, Middlesex University
- Alys Cole-King, Connecting with People
- Seena Fazel, Oxford University
- Hind Khalifeh, King’s College London
- Farhana Mann, University College London
Who is invited?
Everybody! This event will be of interest to the wider public, people with lived experience, health professionals, scientists, and policy makers.
Please spread the word about the debate so we can get as many diverse views into the conversation as possible.
Where and when?
6-8pm, Wednesday 20th July 2016 (The discussion will begin around 6.30pm).
Ambrose Fleming Lecture Theatre, Roberts Building, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE
Book your free tickets now!
Numbers are limited! Please visit our Eventbrite page to book your FREE tickets!
Who is organising this event?
This debate is a partnership between the UCL Division of Psychiatry, The Lancet Psychiatry and the National Elf Service.
@Mental_Elf looks brilliant & relevant !
.@thelancetpsych cant see anything new or innovative in this , can other tweters https://t.co/HSR8VMye3y
RT @TheLancetPsych: Something new: a debate on #PreventableHarm in mental health care, open to everyone, and FREE. Please come along! https…
FREE public debate
London 20 July 6pm
Info https://t.co/n0BLzR1pRb
Tix https://t.co/dlc93mftdI https://t.co/JEBRrs1ch5
@Mental_Elf Do you have anyone with lived experience of ‘failed by mental health services’ and self harm non-tx on the panel? Happy to help
@DrEm_79 @Mental_Elf you’d be great!
@mentalcapital @Mental_Elf nice of you to say. ??
@Mental_Elf @BipolarBlogger this sounds amazing! Do you know if the venue is wheelchair accessible please?
@Mental_Elf @TheLancetPsych vital have lived experience I now use my #selfharm 2 teach Uni of York again next week 2nd yr MH students get >
@Mental_Elf @TheLancetPsych & influence re #compassion #non-judgemental #listening at start career can help improve experience earlier on!
#PreventableHarm debate 20/7/16: Can risk assessment in mental health be… https://t.co/61N038ZDGl #MentalHealth https://t.co/jX3MQ9OXjN
RT @TallaTrialogue: .@thelancetpsych #PreventableHarm ? Harm caused by forced Detention,Drugging, ECT included? #Coercion #CRPD https://t.…
#PreventableHarm debate 20/7/16 https://t.co/mCJtA4hYuz
#PreventableHarm debate 20/7/16: Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based? https://t.co/iFE74SlZid @TheLancetPsych
Might overemphasis on risk damage patient care? Join us, @Mental_Elf & @UCLPsychiatry for a FREE debate https://t.co/CujCTEJ6pX
“#PreventableHarm debate 20/7/16:
Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based?
Open event https://t.co/c2tW1fMGJK
#PreventableHarm debate 20/7/16: Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based? https://t.co/icMrhoECJx via @sharethis
Can risk assessment in psychiatry be evidence based? Really interesting debate with @Mental_Elf & @TheLancetPsych https://t.co/0Dx2z3YL9N
[…] #PreventableHarm debate 20/7/16- Mental Elf Blog post. […]
#PreventableHarm debate 20/7/16: Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based? https://t.co/Qt9WP95SVD via @sharethis In London
Can MH risk assessment be evidence-based?
FREE public discussion 20/7 6pm
#PreventableHarm https://t.co/bGyRMedyie
This promises to be an important debate – https://t.co/J1vf4tJ5aT
Free discussion
UCL 20/7
Can risk assessment be evidence-based?
https://t.co/n0BLzR1pRb https:…
I’ve signed-up to attend the #PreventableHarm debate at @UCLPsychiatry w/ @TheLancetPsych @Mental_Elf – come along! https://t.co/gfEpKlGEo3
This sounds great! Will the livestream on Youtube be made publically available like the podcast? Can’t watch it live but would love to see the debate not just listen!
#PreventableHarm discussion 20/7/16: Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based? https://t.co/SqR0YUjamo via @sharethis
RT @vaughanbell: Risk assessment in psychiatry: evidence-based? https://t.co/vCt9c4ATsO Public debate from @Mental_Elf @UCLPsychiatry @TheL…
Public discussion Pls RT
Mental health risk assessment
London, Jul 20
https://t.co/n0BLzR1pRb https://t.co/yfIcPm0lOj
@Mental_Elf booked preventableharm,now can’t attend.Can’t cancel on Eventbrite.Any advice how so someone can have place?
#PreventableHarm discussion 20/7/16: Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based? https://t.co/51jt9DwbKz via @sharethis
Public discussion
Mental health risk assessment
London, Jul 20
https://t.co/n0BLzR1pRb https://t.co/UT7QI4Utxy
@UCLPsychiatry @TheLancetPsych #PreventableHarm
Join us!
More info https://t.co/n0BLzR1pRb
Free tickets https://t.co/dlc93mftdI
#PreventableHarm debate 20/7/16: Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based? https://t.co/zft93XTh3d
Want to discuss #PreventableHarm in #mentalhealth with the @Mental_Elf, @TheLancetPsych & @UCLpsychiatry? Register: https://t.co/HcIarAPSRP
RT @UCLBrainScience: .@UCLPsychiatry is cohosting a public event on Preventable Harm with @Mental_Elf and @TheLancetPsych on Wed 20 July: h…
#PreventableHarm discussion 20/7/16: Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based? https://t.co/xmhnYJISXh @Mental_Elf
ICYMI:public debate on ‘Preventable Harm’ in mental health with @UCLPsychiatry @TheLancetPsych & Mental_Elf on Wed: https://t.co/yPj52se9yd
Delighted that @AlysColeKing has now joined our #PreventableHarm panel. Join us Wed 6.30pm https://t.co/n0BLzR1pRb https://t.co/WbEOTBL9mu
@Mental_Elf @AlysColeKing @TheLancetPsych @docbloomfield @cityalan @SchrebersSister @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann Uh-oh, a sea of professionals.
@Sectioned_ @Mental_Elf @AlysColeKing @TheLancetPsych @docbloomfield @SchrebersSister @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann Yes, a preponderance of….
@cityalan @Mental_Elf @AlysColeKing @TheLancetPsych @docbloomfield @SchrebersSister @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann All are from an organisation.
@Sectioned_ @cityalan @Mental_Elf @AlysColeKing @TheLancetPsych @docbloomfield @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann How about a user-led organisation?
@SchrebersSister @Sectioned_ @cityalan @Mental_Elf @AlysColeKing @TheLancetPsych @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann patient/client/user-led?
@docbloomfield @SchrebersSister @cityalan @Mental_Elf @AlysColeKing @TheLancetPsych @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann What is this, buzzword bingo?
@cityalan @Sectioned_ @Mental_Elf @AlysColeKing @TheLancetPsych @SchrebersSister @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann “anti-professional”?
@docbloomfield @Sectioned_ @Mental_Elf @AlysColeKing @TheLancetPsych @SchrebersSister @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann Talking about not with?
@cityalan @Sectioned_ @Mental_Elf @AlysColeKing @TheLancetPsych @SchrebersSister @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann share decision-making?
@Sectioned_ @Mental_Elf @AlysColeKing @TheLancetPsych @docbloomfield @cityalan @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann How am I defined? A professional?
@SchrebersSister @Mental_Elf @AlysColeKing @TheLancetPsych @docbloomfield @cityalan @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann “Sarah Carr – Middlesex Uni”
@Sectioned_ @Mental_Elf @AlysColeKing @docbloomfield @cityalan @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann Where I work part time doesn’t say much about me.
@SchrebersSister @AlysColeKing @docbloomfield @cityalan @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann I’m quoting what @Mental_Elf tweeted promoting the debate.
@SchrebersSister @AlysColeKing @docbloomfield @cityalan @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann @Mental_Elf That’s how you’re presented for the debate.
@Sectioned_ @AlysColeKing @docbloomfield @cityalan @DrHKhalifeh @FarhanaMann @Mental_Elf My point still remains.
Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based? Wed 6-8pm (I’ll be following #PreventableHarm + youtube) https://t.co/K6bulJrL8Y
RT @beatED: We’re at the #PreventableHarm talk next Wed. Tweet us your questions & we’ll ask them for you https://t.co/vAsSH1H2VE #eatingd…
Debate: #PreventableHarm discussion 20/7/16: Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based? https://t.co/aap5xc2L4O via @sharethis
The #PreventableHarm debate is on tonight from 6-8pm. We’ll be there so let us know your thoughts and questions https://t.co/vAsSH1H2VE
if u can go @SchrebersSister is talking on #PreventableHarm can risk assessment in #mentalhealth b evidence based https://t.co/60OGbfe5Xz
Today’s been all about @TheLancetPsych – reviewed proofs for our upcoming paper, now off to debate #PreventableHarm https://t.co/QHBFrFFlcv