Prisonization: how does prison impact on the mental health of prisoners? Insights from Norway


Verity Wainwright explores a qualitative study from Norway, which looks into prisoners understanding of mental health and the prison environment.

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What emotions do male prisoners experience prior to suicide and violence?


In this blog by Hilary Norman, she explores a new study on the emotions that male prisoners experience prior to suicide, self-harm or violence using a novel participatory visual method involving drawing their feelings.

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Alexithymia and suicide, violence, and dual harm in male prisoners


Ross Nedoma reviews a recent cross-sectional study examining the links between alexithymia and suicide, violence or dual harm among male prisoners in the UK.

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Prison and mental illness: the unmet needs associated with reincarceration


Danny Whiting reviews a recent Canadian prison study which finds that schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and homelessness are some of the factors significantly associated with reincarceration.

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Qualitative co-production: involving people with lived experience in co-analysis of qualitative data


In her debut blog, Nia Coupe summarises a recent study on how people with lived experience can be involved in the analysis of qualitative research data.

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Communicating emotions and reducing harm amongst male prisoners


Rebecca Crook reviews a recent qualitative study exploring the difficulties that male prisoners sometimes have in identifying and discussing their feelings about suicide and violence.

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