Results: 190

For: vulnerable people

Conspiracy theories and coronavirus: one in four people “endorse unequivocally false ideas about the pandemic”


Ian Cummins considers the findings of a survey study published in May 2020 on coronavirus conspiracy beliefs, mistrust, and compliance with government guidelines in England.

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Transgender discrimination and stigma: links to anxiety and depression


Emily Day summarises a recent study exploring the effects that transgender discrimination and stigma can have on the mental health of trans people, and what strategies individuals use to cope.

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Suicide risk in young people who self-harm and visit emergency departments


Katerina Kavalidou reviews a prospective observational cohort study on mortality and suicide risk in young people after they present to hospital emergency departments following episodes of self-harm.

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Poverty causes mental illness and vice versa: how can we end this vicious cycle?


Andy Bell summarises a new international report that presents the causal links and mechanisms of action between poverty, anxiety and depression.

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The ‘S’ word: safeguarding and service user experiences in England


Chenel Walker summarises a recent user-led exploratory study about mental health service user experiences of targeted violence and abuse in the context of adult safeguarding in England.

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The role of paramedics in suicide prevention: links between sleep, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts


Kirsten Russell and Susan Rasmussen summarise a recent cohort study on self-reported sleep disturbance in ambulance attendances for suicidal ideation and attempted suicide, which suggests a possible role for paramedics in suicide prevention.

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Physical activity while pregnant may help prevent postpartum depression


Briana Applewhite summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of physical activity during pregnancy and the risk of postpartum depression.

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Moving on up: how much do we need mental health supported accommodation?


Will Marsh summarises a recent cohort study published this week in the British Journal of Psychiatry, which investigates the predictors of moving on from mental health supported accommodation in England.

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Survivors of genocide more likely to develop dementia, according to new Israeli study


Anna Sri explores a recent Israeli study which suggests that people exposed to genocide are more likely to develop dementia, even when a range of confounders are accounted for.

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Universal Credit increases mental health problems, but not employment


Alan Simpson summarises a recent longitudinal study that explores the impact that UK welfare reform, specifically Universal Credit, has had on the mental health of people across England, Scotland and Wales.

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