Beating the odds in recovery: does employment support benefit the outcomes of psychological therapy?


Lucy Chilton and Sarah Watts summarise a case-control study looking at the effectiveness of employment support in combination with psychological therapies within NHS Talking Therapies.

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Mental health care and the benefits system: linked data provides opportunities for new research


Becky Appleton explores the potential of new data linkage opportunities for understanding the intersection between mental health service use and receipt of benefits in a South London service user population.

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Social security? Evidence about benefits and mental health


Andy Bell summarises a collection of recent academic research papers that have sought to understand the impact of a range of changes to the UK benefits system on people’s mental health.

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Mental health and benefits insecurity


Consultant psychiatrist Dr Dieneke Hubbeling critically analyses a recent study looking at mental health benefits insecurity, and concludes that it is important for clinicians to realise that there is probably no such thing as benefits security.

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Universal Credit increases mental health problems, but not employment


Alan Simpson summarises a recent longitudinal study that explores the impact that UK welfare reform, specifically Universal Credit, has had on the mental health of people across England, Scotland and Wales.

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Does co-locating welfare advice services improve mental health?


Katie Evans from Money and Mental Health considers a recent study looking at the impact of co-located welfare advice in healthcare settings, which found significant improvements in financial outcomes, but less convincing results in terms of health benefits.

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Childhood traumatic brain injuries predict risk of poor long-term outcomes


Eleanor Kennedy reports on a nationwide Swedish cohort study, which finds that traumatic brain injury consistently predicted later risk of premature mortality, psychiatric inpatient admission, psychiatric outpatient visits, disability pension, welfare recipiency and low educational attainment.

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A social model for understanding madness and distress


Alison Faulkner on a new Shaping Our Lives report, which addresses service user and survivor views about ways of understanding madness and distress, but in particular about the potential of a social model.

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Work Capability Assessments linked with increase in suicides


Ian Cummins considers the findings of a recent longitudinal study that measures the impact that welfare reform and disability assessments have had on mental illness and rates of suicide.

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‘Beat the cheat’: disability welfare benefits and newspaper reporting


Gerry Bennison offers food for thought in his blog on research into how disability welfare has been characterised in popular UK tabloid articles.

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