Interventions to foster resilience in nursing staff may help (a little) in the short-term


Olga Lainidi summarises a recent systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of resilience interventions on the mental health of nursing staff.

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Add on iCBT: weak evidence of modest benefits in depression and anxiety

iCBT can be effective in reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, OCD and PTSD - could its accessibility help reach more people?

Liesbeth Tip and Antigone Lanitis reflect on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis that investigated internet-delivered psychological treatment as an add-on to treatment as usual in depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

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Computerised CBT for youth anxiety and depression: a growing evidence-base


In her debut blog, Jemma Baker reports on a systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression and anxiety in adolescents.

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Are the kids alright? Emergency help for suicide and self-harm during the COVID-19 pandemic


In her debut blog, Molly McCarthy appraises a recent Lancet Psychiatry systematic review and meta-analysis exploring the patterns of paediatric emergency department visits for suicide attempts, suicidal ideation, and self-harm incidents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Blood-based inflammatory markers in acute vs chronic schizophrenia


Éimear Foley summarises a recent meta-analysis, which looks at alteration patterns of peripheral concentrations of cytokines and associated inflammatory proteins in acute and chronic stages of schizophrenia.

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Detection of depression in primary care settings in low- and middle-income countries


Lucy Barrass considers a systematic review exploring the detection of depression in primary care settings in low- and middle-income countries.

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Online support more helpful for youth anxiety than depression, according to recent review


In her debut blog, Laura Hankey summarises findings from a recent systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of internet-based interventions for depression and anxiety in children and young people.

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Suicide and self-harm in nurses and midwives: urgent attention needed according to new systematic review


Ben Hannigan summarises a recent systematic review exploring the prevalence, risk factors and interventions for suicide and self-harm in nurses and midwives.

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Is cognitive behavioural therapy the best we’ve got for depression?


Camilla Babbage and Maria Loades summarise the largest meta-analysis to date on the effectiveness of CBT for depression.

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Exploring coping strategies used by Black adults affected by racism in North America


Yasmin Ahmadzadeh considers a systematic review of the coping strategies employed by Black adults in North America to navigate experiences of racism.

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