Home treatment by crisis resolution teams can prevent hospital admission, according to Swiss research


Emmeline Lagunes Cordoba and Magdalena Skowronska review a recent Swiss RCT, which found that crisis resolution teams led to fewer hospital days per patient, but did not prevent hospital admission entirely.

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Antipsychotics for acute treatment of first episode schizophrenia


Elwira Lubos writes her debut blog on a recent systematic review with pairwise and network meta-analyses, looking at antipsychotic drugs for the acute treatment of patients with first episode schizophrenia.

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What happened to you? Trauma informed approaches to mental health care


Sarah Carr explores a narrative review of trauma informed approaches to mental health care, which aims to provide a definition and plan for future development.

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Searching for solutions: a new brief intervention for comorbid substance misuse in acute psychiatric inpatients


Ian Hamilton presents the findings of a recent pilot randomised trial of a brief intervention for comorbid substance misuse in psychiatric inpatient settings.

[read the full story...]

Psychiatric staff attitudes to supporting people with learning disabilities in acute mental health settings explored


Background For some time now, UK policy has been to offer support to people with learning disabilities with additional mental health issues through mainstream mental health services. There has continued to be a debate about the effectiveness of this policy. The most recent guidance from the joint commissioning panel for mental health in fact stated [read the full story…]