Results: 22

For: sport

Mouthguard wearing and athletic performance


This review assessing the impact of wearing a mouthguard on athletic performance included 41 studies involving 852 athletes. While the findings suggest some potential benefits for athletic performance the included studies are small, very hetrogeneous with only 7 studies being at low risk of bias. Consequently the findings should be interpreted very cautiously.

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Community interventions for anxiety and depression: the benefits of sports, music, gardening, art and culture


Jessica Bone critically considers a systematic review of community interventions for anxiety and depression in adults and young people, which suggests that more research is required targeting young people and specific community assets.

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Physical activity can help anxious young people, but can it treat youth anxiety?


In her debut blog, Francesca Zecchinato explores a recent systematic review which finds that physical activity may help address anxiety symptoms in children and young people, but more research is needed to confirm it is a safe and effective treatment for anxiety disorders.

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Exercise and iCBT for depression: how do ‘alternative’ treatments compare to usual care?


Bethan Davies publishes her debut blog on a recent Swedish RCT of exercise and internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression.

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Gamification for health and wellbeing


Sasha Danilina publishes her debut blog about a recent literature review on the effectiveness of gamification applied to health and wellbeing.

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Physical activity and schizophrenia: how much exercise do people do?


Joanne Wallace summarises a novel systematic review that actually quantifies the amount of physical activity done by people with schizophrenia.

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Exercise in severe mental illness: barriers and motivating factors

classic vintage racing bike

Joanne Wallace considers a recent systematic review of exercise in severe mental illness, which focuses on the factors that motivate people to exercise, and the barriers that can prevent physical activity.

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Fitness to practice: exercise for depression in adolescents


Dave Steele warms up for the winter triathlon season by reading a new systematic review on the effect of exercise on depressive symptoms in adolescents.

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What about stretch intensity and position?


Lesley Dawson considers a systematic review, which investigates how stretch intensity and body position may impact and influence the soft and connective tissue.

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