Blended therapy for men who self-harm #DigiMHweek


Olivia Kirtley looks at a qualitative study of a blended therapy using problem solving therapy with a customised smartphone app in men who present to hospital with intentional self-harm.

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Predictors of adherence to digital interventions for psychosis


Joe Barnby and Muna Dubad explore a recent systematic review that looks at the potential predictors of adherence to web-based and mobile technologies for people with psychosis.

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Mental health apps for young people: an evidence-free zone?


Natalie Nelissen from mHabitat publishes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review of mental health apps for young people, which highlights the current dearth of reliable research to support the efficacy and safety of mobile apps.

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Can your mobile help you manage your anxiety?


Andres Fonseca reviews a recent meta-analysis that explores whether smartphone mental health interventions can reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

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Can digital communication improve relationships between young people and clinicians?


Victoria Betton reports on the LYNC study; mixed methods research into timely digital patient-clinician communication in specialist clinical services for young people.

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Is there still a digital divide in mental health?


Lisa Marzano writes her debut elf blog on a recent cross-sectional survey of Internet use in people with psychosis and depression, which explores the extent of the digital divide in mental health.

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Comparing applets and oranges: barriers to evidence-based practice for app-based psychological interventions


A repost of Simon Leigh’s excellent recent article in Evidence-Based Mental Health on the clear need for consensus and guidance for app developers, as to which patient-reported outcome measures should be used when developing mental health apps.

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Mental health provider views about digital technologies in day-to-day practice


Victoria Betton considers the findings of a recent North American mixed methods study of mental health providers’ interest in using digital technologies in their day-to-day practice.

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Is clinical research essential to develop good mental health apps?


Join a diverse group of mental health service users, researchers, practitioners and developers to discuss this vital issue. We are debating this question in a #Mindtech15 fringe event taking place in London (and on Twitter) at 7pm on Wednesday 2nd December.

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No proof that 85% of mental health apps accredited by the NHS actually work


Health Economist Simon Leigh argues that the unregulated world of health apps brings cause for concern as well as celebration. Fear not though, he has some suggestions for what to look out for when downloading apps, which may help whilst you’re waiting for the regulators and accreditors to get their act together.

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