Will Koehler explores a case study which provides very early evidence that adapted narrative exposure therapy may be helpful in treating PTSD in adolescents.
[read the full story...]Will Koehler explores a case study which provides very early evidence that adapted narrative exposure therapy may be helpful in treating PTSD in adolescents.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Jessica Tunmore summarises a recent research study, which looks at the relationship between borderline personality disorder and intimate partner violence.
[read the full story...]Ioana Crivatu explores a meta-analysis which finds that females exposed to adverse events in childhood may be more likely to enter a cycle of violence in adulthood
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Jessica Armitage reviews a recent cohort study, which suggests that it may be possible to predict risk of psychopathology in victimised children.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Rebecca Crook summarises a systematic review of individual and environmental risk factors for self-harm in prison.
[read the full story...]Anjuli Kaul explores a recent systematic review on the identification and treatment of mental health and substance misuse problems in sexual assault services.
[read the full story...]Noortje Uphoff summarises a briefing from the Commission for Equality in Mental Health, which outlines how people from disadvantaged groups are more likely to be exposed to the factors that have a negative impact on our mental health.
[read the full story...]Raphael Underwood summarises a recent umbrella review (a synthesis of meta-analyses), which aimed to evaluate the current literature regarding childhood sexual abuse and long-term outcomes (psychosocial outcomes, psychiatric diagnoses and physical health outcomes).
[read the full story...]Jennifer Burgess summarises the results of a small cross-sectional study of young pregnant women at risk of mental disorders, which found that young women had greater odds of having a common mental disorder and CMDs were associated with living alone and abuse.
Follow #ESMI today on Twitter for all of the updates from the ESMI study day (Effectiveness of Services for Mothers with Mental Illness).
[read the full story...]Roxanne Keynejad writes her debut elf blog about a recent study that investigates the prevalence of suicidality and associated factors in a large sample of people accessing Refuge services.
Follow #VAMHN on Twitter today for more from the Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network meeting in London.
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