Alix Dixon

Profile photo of Alix Dixon
After completing a Bsc Hons in Psychology at the University of York, Alix stayed on to undertake an MSc in Applied Forensic Psychology. During this time, Alix worked as a support worker for children with both learning disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders in a holiday and weekend play-scheme. From here, Alix also worked with older children and young people on an independence scheme which helped to promote self-care and independence skills for young people with learning disabilities. After graduating her masters, Alix began working in Norfolk as an assistant psychologist with the community learning disabilities CAMHS team, supporting children and young people with learning disabilities and mental health needs.


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CBT for Autism Spectrum Disorders and comorbid mental illness


Alix Dixon presents a recent systematic review on the effectiveness of CBT for autism spectrum disorders and comorbid anxiety or depression.

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Introduction and Uptake of Annual Health Checks across Northern Ireland for Patients with Learning Disabilities

Helping someone with a successful benefits appeal, or into secure housing or out of a violent relationship might be our most effective therapeutic intervention.

People with learning disabilities are more likely to experience a range of health issues and one response to this has been the introduction of annual health checks by GPs.

Here, Alix Dixon looks at a study in Northern Ireland which set out to discover the impact of health facilitation posts on the uptake of these health checks

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Reducing specialist inpatient beds for people with learning disabilities: some issues explored

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Transforming Care, the government’s response to WInterbourne view, set some clear targets for the development of community services and the reduction on specialist inpatient bed numbers.

Here Alix Dixon looks at a paper, which used some illustrative case examples to explore some of the policy and practice issues around these targets.

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Can we model the development and maintenance of self-injury in children with developmental delay?


Self-injurious behaviour can have a severe impact on the quality of life of some children with developmental delay.

Here, Alix Dixon looks at a review of an extensive body of literature around potential causal mechanisms and aggravating characteristics which aims to develop a clearer working model to inform practice.

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Can early intervention reduce challenging behaviour in children with learning disabilities?

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Children with learning disabilities are more likely to have challenging behaviours and as a result are more at risk of social exclusion, deprivation, physical harm and abuse.

In her debut blog, Alix Dixon considers the findings of a recent literature review of early interventions for children with challenging behaviours and their families.

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