Involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation in children and young people: who is at higher risk?


Alice Wickersham summarises a recent review exploring the clinical and social factors associated with involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation. The review finds that intellectual disability, psychosis, risk of harm to self and/or others, Black ethnicity, and older adolescence were strong predictors of involuntary versus voluntary hospitalisation in children and young people.

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Multidisciplinary research priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic: a call for action for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic mental health #AntiRacistMHResearch


Today, following the #AntiRacistMHResearch webinar (11/5/21) on Achieving Equity in Mental Health Research with Dr Lade Smith, we publish the full version of a letter written by Dr Smith and colleagues to The Lancet Psychiatry last year.

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Race, ethnicity, and disparities in mental health experiences and outcomes #AntiRacistMHResearch


As we prepare for the next instalment in our “How to be an anti-racist mental health researcher” webinar series, Kam Bhui considers research ethics and how we must disrupt and transform mental health research if we are serious about tackling inequalities and racism.

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Psychotic disorders among migrants and minority ethnic groups in Europe: a rising and concerning incidence


Aggelos Stamos reviews findings from the multi-national EU-GEI study on the incidence of psychotic disorders among migrants and minority ethnic groups in Europe.

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Reducing loneliness and social isolation in migrants and ethnic minorities: new insights on interventions

Hannah Cocker and Ross Nedoma summarise a recent review which explores loneliness and social isolation in migrants and ethnic minorities.

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Increased suicide risk where race/ethnicity and sexual orientation intersect


In his debut blog, Brendan Dunlop summarises a study finding a relationship between minority sexual orientation, ethnicity and suicide risk in adolescents.

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The ‘syndemics’ theory: a better explanation for ethnic disparities in the incidence and prevalence of psychosis?


Today Bibire Baykeens looks into ethnic disparities in psychotic experiences explained by area-level syndemic effects; a brand new paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

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Determinants of mental health: a briefing from the Commission for Equality in Mental Health


Noortje Uphoff summarises a briefing from the Commission for Equality in Mental Health, which outlines how people from disadvantaged groups are more likely to be exposed to the factors that have a negative impact on our mental health.

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Will increased medication adherence, even if ‘coproduced’, solve the problem of ethnic inequalities and injustices in BAME communities?


Diana Rose takes issue with a training programme for mental health professionals that aims to increase medication adherence in BAME Service Users.

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Referrals to mental health services: understanding ethnic differences


A group of UCL Masters Students summarise a recent paper on ethnic differences in referral routes to child and adolescent mental health services.

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