Lucy Simons and Chris Sampson appraise a recent evaluation of peer-led self-management training for people with severe mental illness.
[read the full story...]Lucy Simons and Chris Sampson appraise a recent evaluation of peer-led self-management training for people with severe mental illness.
[read the full story...]Susannah Bowyer summarises and critiques a Spanish study on training and support for resilience in kinship foster care, drawing out lessons for UK practice.
[read the full story...]Lisa Burscheidt reports on a mixed methods study that produced user-generated quality standards for youth mental health in primary care.
[read the full story...]Martin Stevens finds some paradoxes in a systematic review on resilience and interventions to strengthen individuals against future adversity.
[read the full story...]Parents of children with learning disability and/or autism in seeking support with parenting skills, may have need of support with specific skills relevant to supporting their child with a disability.
Here, Kate van Dooren looks at a ‘pragmatic non-randomised’ study which evaluated a parent programme called ‘Riding the Rapids’ to see what happened to those parents who followed the programme.
[read the full story...]People with learning disabiilties may be on multiple medications and be on them for long periods of time. They need access to the best possible support to help them make decisions about their medications. In this post, we look at an action research study that offered training to people to see if it improved their knowledge and their capacity to consent.
[read the full story...]Seven qualitative studies and 41 surveys were included in this qualitative metasummary of factors that increase or decrease dentists delivery of caries prevention. While the surveys in particular, are of questionable quality some commonality emerges that further education and training coupled with a fairer pay scheme would be a reasonable approach to change the balance in favor of the provision of dental caries preventive measures by dentists
[read the full story...]This guide is the result of discussions with health professionals and people with diabetes Types 1 and 2, and surveys investigating the levels of service provision in London. The reason for this work is because people with from diabetes often suffer from mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, phobias, adjustment to their condition, eating [read the full story…]
NICE Guidelines state that around three quarters of people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia experience a chronic illness: with recurrent episodes of remission and relapse. One way that chronic physical health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, are managed is by using early warning signs (EWS) training and this prevention strategy is now often [read the full story…]
Recent reports on the response of the NHS in England to the health needs of people with learning disabilites have uncovered poor practice and a lack of knowledge and skills (see for example Mencap Getting it Right campaign) We posted earlier in the week about the impact of liaison nursing, one response of the health [read the full story…]