Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy can prevent recurrent depression


Sarah McDonald reports on a meta-analysis published yesterday, which found that when compared with active treatment, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy resulted in a reduced risk of depressive relapse.

This blog also features a podcast interview with the lead author of the research, Professor Willem Kuyken.

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Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy cannot substitute maintenance antidepressants for preventing depression relapse


Ioana Cristea takes a closer look at a recent non-inferiority RCT, which compares mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) plus discontinued antidepressants versus MBCT and maintenance antidepressants.

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Mindfulness-based interventions in primary care: absent but successful


Ioana Cristea appraises a meta-analysis on the effectiveness of mindfulness in primary care. She finds that the evidence is insufficient to draw any reliable conclusions about the actual effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in primary care settings.

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Top mental health blogs in 2015


André Tomlin presents his review of 2015, the year when the Mental Elf came of age. He highlights our top mental health blogs, showcases the #WeCATS and #ElfCampfire activities and explains how the new National Elf Service website can help you engage more with relevant and reliable research.

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All in the mindfulness? Reflections on the Mindful Nation report


André Tomlin considers the recommendations for health service delivery and research from the recent Mindful Nation report.

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The evidence for mindfulness: Mental Health Awareness Week #mhaw15


Mental Health Awareness Week starts today! It’s all about mindfulness this year, so we are showing our support by highlighting the evidence-based blogs we’ve written on the subject over the last few years. Start here if you want to read about the evidence for mindfulness, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and mindfulness-based group therapy.

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Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to prevent depression

In April 2015 we blogged PREVENT and concluded that mindfulness based cognitive therapy is a promising intervention for preventing depression.

André Tomlin presents the results of the PREVENT RCT published today in The Lancet, which investigates the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy compared with maintenance antidepressant treatment in the prevention of depressive relapse or recurrence.

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Inpatient mindfulness group improves self-reported intrapersonal skills

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Mindfulness has been offered as a way to help reduce stress in family and carers but few studies have as yet looked directly at the effects of offering mindfulness-based interventions to people with learning disabilities themselves.

In her debut blog, Leen Vereenhooghe looks at an attempt to evaluate a mindfulness group in an inpatient assessment and treatment unit through the experiences of those who took part.

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Mindfulness based group therapy for common mental health disorders


Mark Smith summarises a recent RCT of mindfulness based group therapy in primary care patients with depression, anxiety and stress and adjustment disorders.

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Can we train for resilience to future adversity?


Martin Stevens finds some paradoxes in a systematic review on resilience and interventions to strengthen individuals against future adversity.

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