Non-suicidal self injury in bisexual populations


Talen Wright explores a recent narrative synthesis of associated variables and meta-analysis of risk of non-suicidal self injury in bisexual people.

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Increased suicide risk where race/ethnicity and sexual orientation intersect


In his debut blog, Brendan Dunlop summarises a study finding a relationship between minority sexual orientation, ethnicity and suicide risk in adolescents.

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Sex and schizophrenia: what determines sexual interest and confidence?


In her debut blog, Beccy White summarises a secondary analysis which explored predictors of sexual interest amongst older adults with schizophrenia.

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Determinants of mental health: a briefing from the Commission for Equality in Mental Health


Noortje Uphoff summarises a briefing from the Commission for Equality in Mental Health, which outlines how people from disadvantaged groups are more likely to be exposed to the factors that have a negative impact on our mental health.

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Mental health and suicide risk in LGBTQ students: What are the associated factors?


Sarah Carr writes an important blog for #PrideMonth that looks at general and LGBTQ-specific factors associated with mental health and suicide risk among LGBTQ students.

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Sexual orientation and suicidal behaviour: what are the specific risk factors for suicidality in young LGB people?


Alexandra Pitman and Sarah Rowe publish their debut elf blog on a brand new systematic review and meta-analysis looking at sexual orientation and suicidal behaviour in adolescents and young adults.

This is the fifth in a series of Mental Elf blogs produced in partnership with the British Journal of Psychiatry.

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